A Little Younger. Y/N & Mommy!Lauren

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"Um Lauren?" You call out to your girlfriend who's reading a book in bed. "Yes?" She puts down the book. You were standing at the edge of the bed, looking down and twiddling your thumbs. "What's the matter Baby?" She motioned you into cuddling with her. You get on the bed and cuddle into her. "You wanna tell mommy what's wrong?" Now speaking in a soft calming voice. "Um I th-think I might be a younger age." "And that's fine. I still love you." "I wanna try some new things out." "Okay, tell me." "Will you make fun?" "No, never. I just want you to be happy." "I wanna try... diapers." You were scared she would judge you. "Hey Y/N, that's okay. I think if it's something that will make you feel comfortable, it's a good thing." "Really??" "Yes baby. I want you to be happy." "C-can I try bottles too instead of sippies?" "Of course." "Yay!!" Lauren chuckles. You hug her and she pats your bum. "Love you baby." "I love you too mommy." "Someone needs to get changed I see." You blushed. "C'mon baby, before you get a rash." You get off her and she puts a changing mat onto the bed. You lay on it. She changes you into a clean pull up. "We're gonna have to buy diapers and wait awhile." You nod understanding. When she's done, you both look online and pick out what designs and brands you want. You felt so happy she was okay with all of this. She ordered some bottles as well.

A few days passed by and Lauren walked in your room with a big brown box. "Look what came baby!!!" "Is it the stuff??" You ask. "Yup!!" You were a bit nervous, but mostly excited. Lauren cuts open the box and there was the bottles. One was pink and the other was blue. "These are adorable!!" She takes them out and hands them to you. Then the diapers. She took them out "these are super cute and gonna look even more cute on you!!" You blush and look at the various designs. "I-is it okay I try this one first?" You point to one that has a raccoon's face on the front. "Of course!!" You were super excited, you already felt regressed but even more so now seeing the diapers. You laid down on the bed and she takes off your pull ups. She slides the diaper under you and does the tapes. "How does it feel?" You moved around a bit, it was very different but comfortable. "Good." "Are you sure?" You nod. "I think you just have to get comfortable with this." Lauren snaps your onesie back on. "You look so cute!!" She picks you up and grabs a bottle. She puts you down while she washes the bottle and then fills it with milk. "Here you go!" You look at it a bit unsure but drink out of it anyway. It was comforting to you. "Good baby!!" You walk with it to the sofa and Lauren thinks you're the most adorable thing ever! She cuddles with you on the sofa while you two watch a movie.

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