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Dinah had been hanging out with Lauren. Her and Normani are living together. Dinah was on her phone looking through social media. "Hey so let's talk! We barely get to see each other now, put your phone down!" Dinah playfully rolls her eyes and puts her phone down. "Happy?" Lauren laughs. "So how are things with you with Mani?" "Okay I guess." "Just okay? Is something going on between you two?" Dinah looks down playing with her hands. "Hey babe, you know you can tell me anything right?" Dinah nods and sniffles. "So tell me what's going on, I want to help you." Dinah was afraid of being vulnerable. She was scared of Normani finding out she was little and because of this she's been distant with Normani. "Umm I don't know what to say.." Lauren pulled her closer and cuddled with her. "You talk when you're ready but it's not good to hold things in." "I know but I don't want you to..judge me." Lauren pulled away and looked at Dinah. "What did you do??" "I didn't do anything!!" Dinah says with her hands up in the air. "I'm just playing." Lauren laughs. Dinah crosses her arms and pouts. "C'mon just tell me already!!" Lauren playfully pushes her. "Um okay." Dinah's voice was quiet and shaky. Lauren senses that and looks at her with a caring smile. "I love Mani a lot but I-I don't know." "What do you mean?" "I think she don't love me no more." Lauren's heart felt crushed. "How could you say that? Mani loves you very much, I've seen it many times." Dinah shakes her head and is crying. Lauren grabs a box of tissues and comes back to wipe her eyes. "Thank y-you." Lauren rubs her back and Dinah ends up crying into Lauren harder. "Hey it's okay.. shhhh." Dinah started to feel little with Lauren comforting her. "Let it all out." Lauren says. There was complete silence after Dinah calmed down. "You wanna talk now or we don't have to if its gonna make you more upset mama." Lauren rubs her back. Dinah is still cuddling in her neck. Lauren was starting to feel stiff, "Hey Dinah can you move a bit I need to move my neck." Dinah shakes her head. "Why not?" Dinah hides her face more. "Hey Dinah, cmon my body is getting sore." Dinah gets up and is sucking her thumb. Lauren was a bit shocked but didn't show any expression and stretched her body. "Dinah um you okay?" Dinah smiles and nods. "Okay.." Lauren didn't know what to say to her. It was like a different Dinah than she was talking to half an hour ago. "I um want my mommy!" "I can call your mommy then." Dinah shakes her head. "Um mommy mani!!" "OH." This was news to Lauren. Was this what gotten Dinah upset earlier? She didn't want to cause any issues between them so she told Dinah, Normani was busy running errands and they could call her later. Dinah seemed to believe her. "So what do you wanna do??" "Um watch tv!!" "Okay what would you wanna watch?" "Cartoons!!" "Okay." Lauren turned the tv onto some random show which Dinah soon got invested in. She noticed Dinah sucking he thumb again and wondered when she picked up this habit. Dinah turned the her. "I-I'm sowwy." "Hey why are you apologizing?" Dinah shrugs and starts crying again. "Hey baby, it's okay, I'm not going to judge you, I just want to know what's this so I can help you okay." Dinah nods. She wipes her eyes with the back of her hands and her eyeliner is now smudged. Lauren smiles at her and holds her hands. "Now tell me so I can help you." "Um well I want Mani to be my mommy. But she don't know I regress. I-I scared." Dinah was shaking and sweating at this point. "Hey Dinah, I'm glad you told me, I'm so proud of you." Lauren hugs her. "As for Mani, I think she would accept you since she loves you so much." Dinah shrugs. "She will, she would probably think it's adorable." Lauren boops her nose. Dinah laughs. "Thank you Lauren!!" "Aw you're welcome." "Um do you have any snacks?" Lauren chuckles and goes in the kitchen. "I have Oreos." "Yay!!! And milk too please!!!" Dinah smiles big. "Okay mamas." Lauren goes to grab a cup. "NO NOT THAT!" Dinah yells. Lauren jumps. "Why not?" "Um I have something.." Dinah reaches for her bag and pulls out a pink sippy cup. "This!!" "OH. Okay." Lauren takes it and washes it. Dinah was so happy she started giggling to herself. Lauren could hear it and smiled. "Okay here you go!!" Lauren walks over to Dinah with the sippy cup filled with milk and a few Oreos on a plate. "You not hungry?" Dinah asks with her head turned. "No, it's all for you." "Okay!! Thank you!!" Dinah giggles and takes an oreo and eats. Lauren couldn't stop smiling to herself seeing her friend in such a happy and carefree space. When Dinah was done she let out a loud burp. Lauren went wide eyed and they both laughed. "What do you say?" Lauren asked her. "Um I dunno." "You say excuse me!" "Oh yeah.. 'cuse me!!" Dinah giggles.

Dinah's phone went off and it was Normani. "I scared." Dinah holds her phone out to Lauren. "You talk!" "Baby you need to face this, Normani will love you no matter what." "No I no want!" Dinah flies her phone on Lauren. "Ow!" "I sowwy I don't wanna talk to her now." Lauren understood but she can't keep ignoring her girlfriend. Lauren's phone rang, it was Normani. "It's Mani, I'm gonna answer." Dinah nods. "Hey Mani!" "Yes, Dinah is with me! Uh her phone was on silent... okay yeah she's right next to me!" Lauren holds her phone out to Dinah. She cautiously takes her phone. "H-hello?" "I-I'm okay..." "nothing is wrong." She looks up at Lauren who has a disappointing look on her face. "Okay, see you soon, love you too." Dinah gives Lauren her phone back. "Dinah... you know you have to tell her eventually right?" "I knowwww but I'm scared. What if she leaves me?" Dinah pouts. "She won't I promise you." "She's coming to get me in 10 minutes, maybe I'll tell her." "That's a good idea! I'll have your back!" Dinah smiles wide. "Thank you Lauren!!!" She hugs her.

There's a knock on the door. "Must be her! You ready?" Lauren asks. Dinah slowly nods watching Lauren get the door while she sits on the sofa. "Hey Lo!! Haven't seen you in a long time!!" Normani says and hugs Lauren. "You too! Great to see you again! Why don't you come inside?" "Thanks! So where's Dinah?" Normani looks around walking in. Dinah had crouched down. Lauren was a bit nervous too but tried not to show it. "Dinah?" Normani called out. Dinah popped her head out. "Hey baby, you okay?" Dinah seemed unsure and looked at Lauren who smiled at her and then Normani who looked confused. "I have something to tell you." "Okay.." Normani sits next to Dinah. "What's going on babe?" She brushes the hair out of Dinah's face. Lauren sat on the other side of Normani. "She said she was scared to tell you this but I assured her you'll be okay with it." Lauren says. "Baby you know you can tell me anything, it hurts me that you think you can't." Normani now holding Dinah's hands. "Umm I don't know what to say.." "Just tell her what you said to me." Dinah shakes her head. "You say it!" "Are you sure?" Dinah nods. Normani felt a bit hurt that she wouldn't say it herself but she wanted to know what was going on. Lauren took a deep breath. "Well.. she told me she wants you to be her mommy..." The room was silent for a few seconds. Dinah was about to cry and was shaking. "Aww that's cute!" Normani says. Dinah and Lauren sigh in relief. "Baby, it's okay. I would never judge you for that." Dinah smiles and tears form from happiness. She hugs Normani tight. "I love you!!" "I love you too baby." "Awww" Lauren says. "Dinah I kinda already knew.." Dinah pulled away and went wide eyed. "Once you were drunk and told me all of this." Dinah was shocked, so was Lauren. "I don't remember that!!" "Because you were drunk." Normani laughs. "B-but why didn't you say anything?" "I don't know, it came to me as a shock, but I still love you. I also put the pieces together of you wanting to look at the toy section sometimes." Dinah blushes. "It's cute and you can call me mommy, okay?" Dinah smiles big "thank you mommy!!" "See I told you she would accept it!" Lauren says. "Thanks Lo, for helping her." "Of course!" "I so happy!!" Dinah shouts out and claps her hands.

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