Sensitive (Ally)

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The girls were working all day today and Ally just wanted to be little. She woke up fine but as the day went by and with added stress, it was getting to her. They were currently in rehearsals for tour and she was having a hard time keeping up with the others. "C'mon Ally!! Bring it!! KEEP UP!" Sean shouted at Ally while she tried her best. "Again from the top and this time, I wanna see more sass!" The music starts up again and Ally pushes herself "ALLY CMON YOURE BEING SLOPPY!" Ally starts crying and sits on the floor. Lauren knew, she was her girlfriend so she knew about Ally's little side. Dinah and Normani had no idea. They stood there in shock not knowing what to do. Ally was hysterical by this time. Sean sighs "We'll continue tomorrow. Sorry Ally." Lauren rushed over to the crying girl "shhh shh it's okay baby." "I'm tired and I can't do t-this an-ymo-ore!!!" "I know baby, just calm down a bit." Lauren rubs her back. Normani and Dinah stoop down to her level and try to comfort her as well. Ally was scared, she didn't want the others to think of her as weak. She was the oldest. She shouldn't be the one to have crying fits like this. After a few minutes of the girls comforting her, it was time to go. Ally had calmed down but she kept tugging on Lauren's shirt. "I wan paci!!" "I don't have it with me, you have to wait til we get back okay." She says while wiping the girl's tears. "Oh o-okay." She begins sucking her thumb on the way back to the hotel. Lauren didn't stop her, she knew it comforted Ally and didn't want her upset again. Normani takes notice of this and whispers to Dinah. Dinah coos but Normani didn't have a reaction. Lauren got nervous. They arrive back at the hotel and Ally and Lauren were sharing a room while Normani and Dinah had separate ones. As soon as Ally got "paci now???" Lauren chuckles "of course baby." She grabs it out of Ally's little stuff and places it in her mouth. She closes her eyes and it instantly relaxes her. "Let's get you into a bath and out of that sweaty clothes okay?" Ally nods and takes the paci out herself. Lauren helps her into the bath. She's having a fun time playing with Ally and her bath toys she didn't hear her phone ringing multiple times. She helped Ally get out of the bath. "You want a diaper or a pull up?" "Diaper!!" Lauren carries her to the bed and puts her in a diaper and dresses her into a matching pj set with puppies on it. "LAUREN I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!!" Normani banging on the door and trying to get in. They both got nervous. She told Ally to hide in the master bedroom. Lauren answers the door "what?!?" "I've been calling you this whole time." "Oh um I was helping I mean I was in the shower." Normani looks at her as if she's judging her. "Lauren, what's going on?" "N-Nothing!! Why would something be going on?!" She walks in "Where's Ally?" "She went to bed already." "OW!" Normani looks down and she had stepped on Ally's pacifier. "Shit" Lauren mutters. She picks up the object and looks at it. "Is this.. Ally's?" Lauren didn't wanna lie to her best friend and so she nodded. Not being able to form words. "Why does Ally have one?" "Ally goes into little space when she's stressed out and I care for her like she's a baby." Normani didn't answer and it made Lauren want to disappear. "It's definitely a little weird to me but whatever makes you two happy. Who am I to judge?" Lauren was relieved. "Thank you Mani!!" Ally runs out and seeing Normani made her scared she wanted to run back in the room but Lauren stopped her. "Ally, it's okay, Mani knows." "Hi!!" Normani waves at Ally. The blonde shyly waves. Dinah comes crashing in "Normani I thought- oh" she see's Ally in her headspace. "Dinah I can explain!!" Lauren shouts nervously. "Re-lax, I already had a feeling Ally was little. It's cute." Ally and Lauren were both relieved. "I-I got something to show you DJ!!" Ally grabs Dinah's hands and pulls her into the bedroom. "Lauwen gave me this Simba stuffie!" The girl showing to the Dinah. She couldn't help to aw at everything Ally said or did. It reminded her on her siblings. "Come color wit me!!" She brings out a Disney princess coloring book and some crayons. "Belle is my favowite she so pretty! I wanna be a princess when I grow up!!" Dinah chuckled "You're already a princess!" Normani comes in "I hope I'm not intruding.." "Mani.." Dinah knew what she thought of all of this and didn't want her to say anything in front of Ally. "You're so adorable, Ally!" Ally giggles and continues coloring with Dinah. Normani had to admit that this was adorable and she could get pass this. "You wan join us??" "Of course sweetie!"

Lauren gets out of the shower and realizes she's alone but hears giggles coming from the master bedroom. She peeked in and Norminah was tickling Ally. "Hey what about me? Why am I left out??" "MOMMY!!! Make them st-stop!! Ally shouts with fits of giggles. "Oh I don't think I can because I am the ultimate tickle monster!" "Noooo!!" Lauren tickles the blonde all over until both of them get tired. The girls end up ordering pizza and eating together. Ally and Lauren were both grateful for having accepting friends.

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