Secrets (Lauren) Part 2

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A few days have passed and Lauren hadn't heard anything from Dinah yet. It made her sad even if she had the support from Ally and Normani. She had a little crush on Dinah so it made her even more sad.
Today Normani was coming over, Ally was already at her house. She had been spending a lot of time with her.

"Still nothing from Dinah..." Lauren sighs. "It's only been a few days, I haven't heard anything from her either.." "I'm sorry." "Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault. You're just being who you are." "Thanks Ally."

*knock on the door*

"ITS MEEEE!!" Normani screams out. Lauren opens the door. "Mani!!" They exchange hugs and with Ally too. "So good to see you guys! I'm so proud of you Lauren for telling me. I can't imagine what that's like for you to hold onto something like that." Normani hugs her again. "Thanks Mani, that means a lot!!" "So can I see?" "See what?" "Can I see your stuff?" "Uh sure I guess..." Lauren goes to get a bag from her closet and takes it back to the living room where Normani and Ally was sitting down. "Here it is!!" Lauren shouts out and opens the bag. Normani looks through in awe. Lauren was shocked Normani just accepted her like it was nothing. "So how long have you been doing this?" "Like 3 months." "Ohh and it helps you?" "Yeah when I'm feeling stressed out, I regress..." Lauren's face heating up. "Aww that's sweet." "So do you use these?" Normani holds up a diaper. Lauren's face goes deep red. "Mani!!" Ally shouts at her. "I'm sorry I asked!" "It's okay and yes sometimes I do.." "aw it's okay Lo, toddlers have accidents all the time!" Lauren chuckles "Yeah."

Normani's phone rings and it was FaceTime call from Dinah. She looks at the other two not knowing what to do.
Ally and Lauren had already picked up on Normani's facial expression to know it was Dinah. Lauren was terrified and ran to her room. "Go answer it and I'll stay with Lo." Ally goes to follow the younger girl. Normani picks up the call. "Heyyy girl- wait a min you're at Lauren's?!?" "Yeah..and I heard about what you said to her. That wasn't nice at all." "What was I supposed to say? It's weird Mani." "No it's not!!" Dinah rolls her eyes. "Tell me what's weird about it hmm?" "It just is Mani." "That's not a reason.." "It's disturbing." "But why?" "I'm done with this." "Just answer me why?" "She's a grown woman, why the fuck she needs to be baby for? I would never want to see an adult with a onesie and diaper on sucking on a pacifier. That's disturbing." Normani felt sad, she didn't realize Dinah was that ignorant. "Well can you at least try to accept it? Lauren's been doing this for awhile and you only found out about it now.." "I gotta go Mani. I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out but you're too busy with the freak." Dinah ends the call.
Normani sighs. This was gonna be harder than she thought. She went up to Lauren's room where she was laying down with a paci in her mouth and Ally comforting her. "Uh Ally can I speak to you in private?" "Sure!" They go into the hallway and close the door. "Dinah still has a problem with Lo. I don't know what's gonna happen.." "I wonder why she's so against it." "I tried asking but all she said it was weird." "Well, Mani, Lauren has us. If Dinah won't accept it, that's her lost." "True." Normani goes to open the door but hits something or someone. "Ow!" "Lauren, were you listening to what we were saying??" "Uh yes, I'm sorry! So Dinah still mad?" "Not mad, she doesn't know what to think about it. But that's okay, because you have the 2 people that love and care about you right here!" Normani says. "B-but Dinah.." "what about her?" "I... liked her.." Ally and Normani look at each other and then at the girl. They both felt for her. "I'm sorry Lo, I didn't know.." Ally says hugging her. "I liked her for 2 years and I was scared but I wanted to show her cause I wanted her to be my care giver." Lauren looks down. Ally felt a little hurt but understood. "I wanted her to accept me and this hurts the most cause I liked her and now she's gone!!" "Shh shh it's okay," Normani comforts the girl and starts rocking her on her lap. Lauren starts to calm down a bit.

Days turned to weeks and then to months, 2 months to be exact. Dinah still wouldn't hang around Lauren or the others. She had called Ally once to hang out but Ally didn't want to do that behind Lauren's back and felt uncomfortable the way Dinah felt about it all. Lauren was getting depressed. The one person she wanted acceptance from, had left her life. No matter how many times Normani and Ally comforted her, it didn't help.
Normani was getting sick of this, sick of Dinah ignoring them just because of Lauren's regression. She and Ally had come up with a plan for them to go over her house but without telling her Lauren would be coming. She would be regressed too, maybe if she saw the girl as her little self she wouldn't be as harsh.

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