The Perfect Little Day! (Lauren)

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Lauren finally had the day off after working tirelessly on her album. She needed to take a break, the stress was eating her up. She knew she had to regress. She had been pushing it away for months. Today was finally a day where she could completely let herself regress without any worries. It was 10am, she'd finish eating breakfast. She went to her room to change her clothes. She was still in her pajamas. Lauren looked at herself in the mirror, it was awhile since she last regressed so this was a bit difficult. She knew once she got into it, she was okay. Lauren walked to her closet and found a tucked away in a corner. She kneeled down and opened it. In there is where she kept all her stuff hidden. She took out a big shielded pink paci, a pull up, and a pink and white onesie that had stars and unicorns on them. She put the paci in and instantly started feeling little. She forgot how soothing it was to her. She got out of her pajamas and slid the pull up on her. She found her baby lotion and put that all over her body. She loved the scent of it. Then she put on her onesie. She struggled getting the snaps buttoned. At times like this she wished she had a caregiver, but she was too scared of what others would think of her. So this was her secret. She took out some baby toys and starts playing with them on the ground. This made her feel happy! She hadn't been this carefree in awhile. She went on her iPad and watched Paw Patrol. It was one of her favorite shows to watch when regressed. She smiled and laughed during the show. She ended up falling asleep during the third episode.

She woke up by the sound of knocking on her bedroom. Lauren shot up and panicked. Who could it be?? And why were they in her house?! "LAUREN?!!" "LO?!" shit it was Ally. "LAUREN YOU IN HERE??!" She sounded worried. She didn't know what to do. She started panicking even more. She was too scared to move. She was frozen. There were more knocks. "Y-Yeah? Ally?" Lauren replied back. "Oh thank God!! I've been trying to call and text you for the past few hours and I got worried.. I still had your spare key from when I house sat for you. I'm sorry I was just worried." "NO ITS OKAY!! Um I ended up falling asleep." "C-Can I come in?" "NO! I MEAN! HOLD ON!!" Lauren frantically looked for a pair of shorts to put on over her onesie. She pushed all of her baby items into her closet and shut it. Lauren opened the door catching her breath. "You okay?" Ally asked worriedly. "Yeah! I'm sorry I just woke up." Ally looked at her strangely. "You sure everything is okay?" Ally looking around in her room." "Yes, everything is fine. So why are you here?" "I just wanted to see how you were doing! Can't a girl check up on her friend?" "Of course!" Ally smiled and hugged the taller girl. "Oh how I've missed you." "I missed you too Ally." She hugged back, she always adored the shorter girl. She was like a mom figure to her. Ally started to smell Lauren "mhmmm you smell nice! The smell is familiar.." Lauren got worried. It was the baby lotion. She laughed nervously and pulled away "t-thanks." "But really it smells SOOO familiar to me!!" Ally went to smell her again. "Oh! You smell just like a baby!!" Lauren's cheeks went red. "What? It's nothing too be ashamed about!" Ally looked at her as if something was up. Was she catching onto her? "So what did you wanna do?" Ally walking past her and sitting on Lauren's bed. Lauren shrugged. "That's a cute outfit, Lo, I've never seen that shirt before!" "Oh this, it's old. Thanks.." Lauren sat next to her and went on her phone. There was an awkward vibe in the room. She didn't want to tell Ally to leave but at the same time she didn't want Ally to catch on what she was doing. It's supposed to be Lauren's little day! "So did you have any plans for the day?" "Not much, I was just resting and I ended up falling asleep. You?" "I was bored out of my mind, the others were busy but you weren't responding and I got worried. I want to see if you just wanted to hang out?" "Uh yeah sure that sounds nice.." "Alright!" Ally smiles and hugs her. "Umm Ally?" "Yes?" "Um I like you. I know you don't swing that way but I've always admired you." Ally blushes, I feel the same way." Lauren was happy yet shocked. "Really??" "Yeah, that's one of the reasons I came here.." Lauren couldn't stop smiling, her heart was beating fast. Ally leaned in and kissed her softly. "I've always loved you Lo, it wasn't until after I realized how much i missed seeing you every day." Ally starts getting emotional. Lauren giggles. "Aww you missed me!!" "Stop it!!" Ally laughs. Lauren joins in laughing.

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