Favortism DC3 Mommies & Y/N

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Normani's POV

I heard crying coming from y/n's room. I looked at the time, it was 2am. This has become almost a routine where y/n would cry or scream from a nightmare. Lauren, Dinah or I would have to calm them. I looked over to my side, Dinah was beautifully sleeping with her arm around Lauren. I guess I have to be the one to check up on y/n. I get up from bed and hear the crying become louder as I get closer. "Baby?" I open the door and look at y/n who's wrapped in blankets and sobbing. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" I go over and comfort them. "B-bad dream." "I'm sorry. I wish I could make it go away." I pull y/n onto my lap and cuddle, softly cries into my neck. "Do you want your baba?" You nod. "Okay lets go." I carry y/n to the living area and put her on the couch while I got her bottle ready. "Hey y/n woke up again?" Lauren walls in rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, nightmares." "Our poor baby." Lauren takes the warm bottle and feeds it to y/n. Is Dinah still asleep?" I ask. "Sleeping like a rock." Lauren chuckles. Y/N stops drinking and begins to cry again. "Hey what's wrong?" Lauren asks her. "W-Where mama? I wan her here." "Okay I'll get her." I say and rush back to the bedroom. I will say I felt a little hurt, I noticed y/n has been showing more favoritism towards Dinah all of a sudden. "Dinah! Babe! Dinah!!!!" I yell out." "What?!? It's fucking dark yet." "y/n! had a nightmare again!" "Can you go? I'm too tired." "I did and Lauren is too but they're asking for you." Dinah slowly gets up and stretches. "Okay.." I follow Dinah back out to the living area. "Mama!!!" Y/N pops up. "Hiii baby!!" Dinah walks over to and gives y/n a huge hug. "I feel safe now that all my mommies are here!!" "Awww we all say at the same time." "Mama can you feed me the baba?" "But Lauren was feeding you?" "But I want youuuu!!" I looked over to Lauren, I could tell she felt a little hurt as well but agreed and Dinah fed her the rest of it. Lauren started tearing up and I followed her into the bathroom. "Y/N hates me." Lauren cried. "No no she doesn't I promise!! They love you! They're just having a phase right now." Lauren wipes her tears. "I love you." "I love you too" I say it back and kiss her on the lips. "Mmm I love your lips." Lauren smirks. "No we're not going to do this now not when y/n is awake and in headspace." "Ughhh." Lauren rolls her eyes. "Love you!" I say and walk out. Dinah is still feeding y/n and they seem to be content. "How is y/n?" I ask. "Calmer." Dinah smiles. "Good." I sit on the other side. Y/n suddenly pushes the bottle away. "Movie!!" You point to the tv. "No we have to go back to bed." Lauren says. "NO!!" "Hey, we don't talk back!" I say. Y/N whines and kicks her legs. "Hey don't cry" Dinah pulls you onto her lap and bounces you. I roll my eyes. Dinah has a hard time setting rules and calling you out because she doesn't want to be mean. "C'mon lets go to bed? I'll read to you." Y/N excitedly nods and races Dinah to her bedroom. Lauren looks at me annoyed and we go into our bedroom. "So are we gonna tell Dinah again she needs to be more firm with Y/N?" Lauren asks me getting into bed. "Yeah but when we wake up, I'm too tired for this." "Don't forget, Ally and Camila are coming over later around 9." "Oh shit! I forgot, thanks for reminding me, babe." I go over and kiss Lauren on the lips. "My pleasure."

No one's POV

Dinah ended up falling asleep next to y/n. Even she didn't finish reading the book. Y/n didn't even fall asleep, you just pretended to. You laughed quietly at Dinah who was snoring near you. "Mama?" "Mammmaaaa?" You whisper and tap her arm. You laugh. You got out some toys to play with. Eventually you tired yourself out and fell asleep next to Dinah.

It was 6am when Normani was the first to woke up. No sign of Dinah, she got worried. "Hey babe? Where's Dinah?!?" She hit Lauren repeatedly on the arm waking her up. "Fuck! what? Don't hit me!" "Sorry but where's Dinah??" "Did she not come in bed with us?" Normani quickly got up and looked all over the house then finally your room. She was relieved to find her wife sleeping in y/n's bed. "Hey baby, you gotta get up." Normani shook Dinah softly. "Dinah." Nothing. "DINAH!" Dinah woke up. "Whoa where am I?!" Normani laughed. "You fell asleep reading to her." "OH. Oh my god." Dinah laughs. They look to the side and there you were sleeping sucking your thumb with a bunch of toys around you. "Looks like she was awake after you slept." "Hey! Not my fault I was tired!" Dinah says in defense. "Can we talk?" Normani asks. "Okay.." Dinah follows her to their room where Lauren is already dressed. "What's going on?" "Nothing but you need to be more firm with y/n." Normani says. "I'm trying!!" "Well it's not really working." Lauren says. Dinah huffs. "I'm trying but y/n has my heart, I can't be mean to her." "But you're not being mean, you're helping her." Lauren says. "We've been noticing she only wants you because of it. She doesn't want Lauren and I." "No she doesn't. She loves all 3 of us." "A few days ago she told me that she wanted me and mani to get out. I didn't wanna say anything cause she was throwing a tantrum but that shit hurt me." "Oh my god, babe I'm sorry I had no idea." Dinah comforted Lauren. "From now on I'll be more stern with her. I don't want her to hate you guys." Dinah kisses both Normani and Lauren on the cheek. "Okay good." Lauren says. Normani nods and smiles. "M-mama??" Y/n walks in. "Yes?" Dinah calls out. Y/N walks closer and jumps on her. "Hey baby, you have to be nice to mommy and Lauren, okay? I heard what you been saying and it's not nice. You need to apologize to them." Normani and Lauren were pleasantly shocked. "I didn't do nothing wrong.." y/n pouts. "Yes know you did. Don't pull that on me." "Okay... I'm sowwy mommy and Lauren. I love you." "Okay we accept your apology." Normani looks and Lauren and they bring y/n into a hug. "Good I'm glad you all made up! I'm gonna make breakfast. Y/N why don't you let Lauren change you okay?" " I don't need one!" Dinah walks out. "Okay baby, lets get you out of this wet diaper okay?" You nod and you lay down.

After breakfast, "oh y/n! Aunt Ally and Camila are coming over in a few." Normani tells you. "Yay!!!" You clap. There was a knock on the door. "Wow perfect timing." Lauren laughs.
Dinah gets the door "hey guys!! Come in!!" "Where's baby y/n?!?" Camila asks. "Camiii!!!" You scream out and run to her. "Call her aunt cami!!" Lauren shouts out. "Nah it's no problem, you can call me cami!" "Yay!" Camila picks you up and spins you around. "Aunt Awy!!" "Hiii baby!!" Ally gives you a big hug. "I got a present for you!!" You gasp "reawy?!?" "Yes!!" "Alz, you shouldn't have!!" Normani says. "Don't worry you know I only spoiling her!" Dinah and Lauren shake their heads and laugh. Ally takes out a wrapped gift from a bag. "Here you go!" You excitedly take it. "Thank youuu!!!" You tear up the wrapping paper and it's a paw patrol play set. "HOW DID YOU KNOW I WANTED ITTT?? THANK YOU!!" You hug Ally tight. "Of course baby!! Well I know you love Paw Patrol so I thought you'd like it." "Thank you I love you!!" "Awwww!" Everyone says. "Can you please open it??" You ask Camila. "Of course!!" She got it out for you and played with you while the others conversed.

"So how's everyone?" Ally asked. "Pretty good. There was a slight problem but we worked it out." Lauren said. "Yeah I was being too lenient on y/n so I started to be the favorite.. but now I'm starting to be more strict with her." Dinah says. "Well that's good to hear!"
"Mommy??" "Yes?" "Can you play with me and Cami??" "Go ahead!!" Dinah, Lauren, Ally say. "Yes I'm coming!!" "Can mama and Lauren and aunt ally come too??" Lauren was overjoyed she finally felt included. "Yes we're coming!!" They all joined in.

Sorry updates been kinda slow. Ive been sick for the past week. How did you like this? First time writing polygamy lol

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