Found you

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Ally was walking back to her car after a long day in the studio. She could hear crying coming from a distance. She looked around and walked closer and closer and there was someone in a hoodie and sweatpants crying. She debated whether or not she should approach this person but something told her to. "Hey what's wrong?" Ally crouched down next to them. They stopped crying a bit and turned to her. "Hey." Ally said with a warm smile. They didn't say anything. "Are you okay? I mean why are you crying alone in a parking structure at night?" The girl seemed nervous and scared. She just stared at Ally nervously. "Well I'm Ally, and you are?" "Y/N" You say softly. "That's a nice name. So what are you doing here all alone?" She shrugs "Do you have a place to stay?" The girl shakes her head. Ally wondered if she should bring her back to her place, she didn't know anything about the girl but didn't want to leave her there alone. Something bad could happen. "Do you wanna come with me to my place?" The girl just stared at Ally, not knowing what to say. "It's better than being out here at night. I want you to be safe." You nod. "Okay let's go!" You picked up your backpack and followed Ally to the car. "So how old are you?" The girl didn't respond. Maybe she is shy, Ally thought. You got into the car with her and drove back to her place.

"And this is my place! Make yourself at home y/n!" You looked around amazed, her house was really nice and well kept. "Have you had anything to eat?" Ally asks. "W-what time is it?" You ask her. She looks at her phone "10pm." You looked at her wide eyed you didn't know it was way past dinner time." "Hungry?" "Okay, what would you like to eat?" You shrug, you didn't want to be a bother. "Do you want pizza? I can order?" You nod. "Okay, just make yourself at home." Ally smiles at you and orders on her phone. You stand there nervously not knowing what to do. You were still in shock she would just let a stranger into her house. "Hey you can sit." Ally pats the sofa next to where she's sitting. You sit next to her and she gives you the remote. "You can watch whatever you like." You look at her, her eyes sparkling and it was genuine. You didn't know her but she seemed to care a lot. "Is everything okay?" Ally asks you. You begin to cry, you try to stop but you can't stop thinking of what happened.

It was earlier in the day and you came home to your roommate looking at you with a disgusted look. "What?" You ask. She points at a paci and sippy cup on the table. You look and don't know what to say. "Are these yours??" She asks you. "I was gonna mention it before but- "GET OUT Y/N I DONT WANNA LIVE WITH A PERV" Your roommate shouts at you. "I can explain!! It's a coping mechanism!!" "It's nasty! If you don't move out I'm exposing you to everyone you know." You were terrified and couldn't let that happen. "Fine, I'll go." You grabbed a backpack and started packing. You ran out the dorm and kept running until you got tired. Sat on a park bench for awhile until it started getting dark. You walked a bit more, started to rain so you needed shelter. A parking structure was nearby. You went there and couldn't stop crying. You don't know how long you were there until a woman approached you.

"I'm sorry if I made you upset but I just wanna get to know you." You look up at her, she was concerned. You only met her a few minutes ago but you felt like you could trust her. "I was kicked out." "I'm so sorry, what happened?" "My r-roommate, she found something and threatened to tell everyone if I didn't leave." Ally looked at her in shock, she hoped it wasn't anything illegal. "Don't worry it's nothing illegal." You say. Ally sighs in relief. "May I ask what it was?" "I um I don't know.." you wanted to cry more. "You tell me when you're ready okay?" Ally hugged you. "She had f-found some things.. um baby things." "D-Do you have a baby?" You shook your head. "I-it's mine." You were shaking at this point. Ally just stared at you and you felt like you were being judged. "Hey, it's okay. Whatever reason you have them, it's okay." Ally rubbed your back. You were completely shocked. She continuously rubbed your back until you calmed down. "So I'm guessing you're wondering why." You say. "Yeah but you don't have to tell me." You reach for you backpack and open it up. Ally looks inside and examines everything. From the paci's, bottles, onesies, toys, coloring books and the diapers. You couldn't stop shaking, you kept hearing your roommate's voice repeating in your head. "I-I use it to cope with stress." You say. "And that's fine with me." Ally smiles. You wanted Ally to be your caregiver but wasn't sure how to go about asking since you just met her. The doorbell rang. "Oh must be the pizza!" Ally says and gets the door.

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