Water Fun Mommy!Normani

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"It's time to wake up Y/N!" Normani says sweetly and gently shaking you. "Mhmm!" You groan. "Baby, it's almost 10am, you have to get up and eat something. Aren't you hungry?" You realized she had a point and opened your eyes to see her smiling down at you. "Morning!" "Morning mommy!" She helps you get up and carries you. "Uh oh someone needs to be changed." You blush into her neck. She lays you down on a changing mat on the bed. "What's for breakfast?" "I made pancakes!" "Yum!!" You say while she cleans you up. "I big girl no need diaper!" "Are you sure?" "Yes!" Normani thought about it, you've haven't had accidents in a couple of weeks so she put on your big girl underwear. When she was finished you ran to the kitchen ahead of her. "Wait y/n!! Hold up!" Normani washing her hands and catching up to you looking at the plate of pancakes on the counter. She grabs you your favorite plate and gives you a couple of pancakes with syrup drizzled on it. "Mommy can you feed me?" "Of course sweetie!" "Ahhh!!" You open your mouth. Normani laughs and gives you the first bite. "tis shoo good!!" "Thank you now chew with your mouth closed please."
"Milky?" "You want your sippy?" "No baba." "Ohh okay honey." You patiently wait at the dining room table while she prepares your milk. "Mommy?" "Hmm?" "Thank you." "You're welcome baby but what are you thanking me for?" "Being the best mommy ever!!" "Awww well you're the best baby ever y/n! And here's your baba!" You excitedly take it and start drinking while pounding the bottle against the table. "It yummy!!" "Good, now what do you want to do next?" "Sprinklers!!" "You wanna run through the sprinklers?" You nod. "Well it is hot today, let's do it! But let's wait awhile since you just ate." "Aww okay." You go over to the sofa and she turns on the tv to watch your favorite show.

Normani gets up, "okay y/n let's get ready!" "Yay!!" You run to your bedroom and wait for her to pick out your bathing suit. "Which one do you want to wear baby? Rainbow or polka dots?" "Ummm rainbow!" "Okay baby."

"Oh wait do you have to potty first?" "No

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"Oh wait do you have to potty first?" "No." "Are you sure?" "Ummm.." "let's try first." She takes your hand and leads you to the bathroom. "Um I already did.. kinda." "Hmm?" You pout. She notices a small wet spot on your pjs. "Aww baby, please tell me okay?" She realizes this just happened. "Well why don't you potty more." She helps you get out your soiled clothes while you potty. You begin crying cause you haven't had an accident like that in awhile.
Normani walks in to you with your head down sniffling. "Hey, it's okay, nothing to be ashamed about. "I sorry I not a big kid no more." "Don't say that, you are! It's okay to have accidents sometimes." Normani comforts you until you're done crying. She wipes your face with a wash cloth and washes your hands. "Now come on, let's have some fun!" Normani puts you in your bathing suit and lathers on sunscreen. "Mommy you gonna play too?" "Yeah of course!" "Where your bathing suit?" "I'm gonna change after this." You pull out your phone and watch videos while she gets herself ready. (Yellow bikini from Aimh video) "mommy pretty!!" You say. She blushes "thanks baby."

You both walk hand in hand to the backyard where she sets up the sprinklers and the slip n slide. "Okay it's ready!" You run in the water. "It's cold!!!" Normani chuckles and sits down on the side. "Mommy, I thought you were gonna play with me!!!" "I will, I'm just gonna be sitting down for awhile." "Aww okay.." "Give me a few minutes to rest." "Okay!" You run through the sprinklers a few times and then the slip and side. "Mommy you see that??" You look to where she was at, gone. "Mommy?" You begin to panic and look around. "MOMMY?!" You run all over looking for her until you bump into her. "Baby, it's me, what's going on?" "I couldn't find you." "I'm sorry. I just thought I'd check on my vegetable garden." "Mommy you no leave right?" "No, of course not." She picks you up and hugs you tight. "You still want me to play with you?" "Es." "Okay let's go!!" She runs through the sprinklers while you're still in her arms. You laugh and squeal. "Piggy back?" You ask. She puts you down and let's you climb on her back. "Ready?" "Yes!" "Okay hold on tight!! Preparing for take off!!" Normani runs through the sprinklers pretending to be an airplane. Making noises and tilting you side to side. You laugh until you can't breathe. "Mom-my th-that was fun!" You say. "Glad you had fun!" Both you and her play in the water trying to tag each other until you both tired out. She turns off the water "let's get you dried off and inside!" You get up and run to her. She wraps you in a towel and into the shower you both go in. She washes the both of you, then gets you dressed in a diaper, shirt and overalls. A tshirt and shorts for her. "That was fun!!" You say while yawning. "Looks like someone needs a nap after lunch." "Thanks mommy that was fun!" "You're welcome I had fun too."

Sorry this took so long but this was requested, I hope you like it 💗

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