Easter fun!

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Mommy ally & little y/n
Laurmani mommies & little Dinah

Ally, Normani and Lauren had set up an Easter fun day for you and Dinah. Dinah had slept over yours and Ally's house, while Normani and Lauren set up the Easter egg hunt and party at their place.
"Hey guys!! Wake up!! It's Easter!!" Ally yelled out, opening the curtains. You both groaned. "C'mon, there's a surprise waiting for you!!" You quickly wake up. "Where??" "You'll have to see baby." Dinah was still sleeping, that girl loved her sleep. "DINAH WAKE UP!!" You jump on her. "Get off!!!" "Then wake up!!" "Hey y/n be nice to her!" Ally tells you. Dinah got up feeling cranky. "I no wan to!!" The girl started kicking her legs and rubbing her eyes. "Aww but there's a surprise waiting for you, I think the Easter bunny came last night and left gifts!" "Yay!! You jump out of bed. "C'mon Dinah!!!" You shout pulling her leg. You pout. "Hey y/n why don't you go potty and I'll take over okay?" "Okay mommy." You walk out. "Hey, Dinah what's wrong?" Ally walks over. "I miss my mommies." Dinah wanting to cry. "Aww baby, you'll see them in a couple of hours, they just had to do some things." The girl looks up at her "You promise?" "Promise, your mommies love you very much." "Okay. C-can you uppies?" Ally was much smaller than the poly girl and didn't want to hurt her feelings. "Baby, I would but Ally can't, I'm too small." Dinah realized what she was asking would impossible and laughed. "Sowwy!!" "It's okay sweetie!!" "C'mon let's go see what the Easter bunny brought you!" Dinah perks up a bit and grabs Ally's hand. "MOMMY!!" You shout out. Ally and Dinah run to you in the bathroom. "What's the matter?" "I-I couldn't potty." "Ohh okay that's fine." You ran out excitedly to the living room, Dinah followed. There were 2 Easter baskets filled with candies and toys. "Wow!!! Look!!" You shout out. You open the one with your name. Dinah crawls to hers. She's younger than you in headspace and whines when she can't get hers open. "Here baby let me help you." Ally crouches down and unties the ribbon and takes off the plastic. "Look baby, you got candy!!" Ally says to the taller girl. She seemed nervous. "Mommy!! Look I got a new bunny stuffie!!" You held up a pastel pink bunny. "I see that! She's very cute!!" "I name her cotton candy!!" "That's a great name!!" "Can I eat this?" You held up a chocolate bunny. Ally usually wouldn't let you have candy this early but Easter, why not? "Sure!" "Can you open it please??" "Of course!" Ally opens the wrapper for you and hands it back to you. "Tanks!!" You happily eat the chocolate. "What's the matter baby?" Ally goes over to Dinah, looking down. "I wan my mommies." The poly pouted. Ally couldn't tell her what's going on, she didn't want to spoil the surprise. "I promise they love you, okay? They just had to do some important things, we'll see them soon." Dinah nods. "Dinah look you got a new stuffie too!" You point to her basket. She picks it up and it's a duck. "Duckie!!" She hugs it. Ally was relieved to see her a bit happier. "I eat?" Dinah holds up a piece of chocolate to Ally. "Of course you can!" Ally opens it up and gives it back. Dinah excitedly eats it and ends up getting chocolate all over her hands and face. "Uh oh someone made a mess!" Ally says walking over to Dinah with some baby wipes. "Baby don't touch anything, I don't want you to get things dirty." The younger girl nodded. "Okay girls we need to get this cleaned up, get dressed and meet Dinah's mommies in about an hour!" There were candies, stuffies, coloring books, toys scattered all over the living room floor. "Okay mommy. C'mon Dinah we clean up!!" "Okay!" Dinah follows you. "Dinah we can put your new things in your backpack." Ally suggests. She nods and Ally helps her put away her things. "Okay now lets get you two dressed!" "I race you!!" You shout out to Dinah. You both run and she ends up beating you. "Yay I win!!" She yells out and claps her hands. "No fair!! You ran before me!" You pout. "Hey c'mon y/n lets go." "Um I potty." Dinah wanting to cry. "Aww sweetie, don't cry, it's okay. I'm gonna get you changed okay?" "No tell mommies." Ally wondered why she would say that but then remembered Lauren being frustrated with her accidents sometimes. "I won't baby." Ally unsnaps her onesie and undoes her diaper. She cleans up and helps Dinah get dressed. A pink shirt with denim overalls. "Super cute!!" Ally kisses her cheek. Dinah blushes. "Okay now you're turn Y/N!" She helps you get changed into a purple shirt with a bunny on it and white shorts. "Adorable!!" She kisses your cheek. "Tanks mommy!!" "You're welcome! Alrighty, I'm gonna get dressed and then we'll go." You both nod. "Y/N?" Dinah taps your shoulder. "Yes?" Dinah doesn't say anything but looks like she's about to cry. "Don't cry!! Don't cry!! It's okay!!" You hug and try to comfort her. She whines and cries more. You look in her backpack and find a yellow big shield paci. "You want this?" She nods and you give it to her and she calms down. Ally comes back dressed in a floral dress with heels. "Okay babes lets go!" "Mommy I calm Dinah down!" You say. "Oh! That's great baby!! Let's go, we're getting late." She grabs Dinah's bags and her purse and you two follow her to the car. She helps you two buckle in the backseat.

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