Whitey // Violin (Pt.1) *REQUEST*

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* This was requested by @Kalin899
Thank you for being so patient with me. This one was different for me just because of this weird time period. It's not my best work but I like it so I hope you all do too.

Whitey is the character Thomas Sangster  plays in the tv show Godless for those who don't know *

The girl was fuming as she raced down the dirt roads back towards her little house. She barely even recognized the other girls of La Belle asking her if she was alright as she barreled on. All she wanted was to get home and pack her things once she heard her friend Mary say she hadn't seen her fiancé anywhere.

This was the fourth time this week that Whitey had gone missing. He had told her this morning he was going to visit their friend Mary in town before heading to work but when (Y/N) had a free moment and went to see the two, Mary regretfully informed her that she had not seen him at all that day. She was fed up with the lying and sneaking around since her mind only came up with one explanation: he was seeing someone.

On her way back to her house, she thought of every girl she had ever come across in La Belle. Of course all the women were beautiful but none of them were ever interested in Whitey, especially since most of them were older than him anyways. She could only think that he was going off to another town close by where more beautiful girls were that she hadn't met yet. Either way, she wanted out.

She tied up her horse after she dismounted from it and rushed into the house. She found the first leather bag she saw and began loading her things into it. She didn't have much since by now most of her things were co-owned by her and her fiancé; what she owned, he owned as well.

She was almost finished packing when the front door whined closed like it always did. That sound on a normal day would have brightened her up since it meant he was home, but today it felt like nails on a chalkboard.

"What ya packing for? Did I forget a trip or something?" Whitey chuckled from the doorway at an old memory of him forgetting a date they had planned.

"No Whitey. I'm going alone," she said, her throat full of emotion that she tried really hard to suppress. She closed the bag and set it over her shoulder. It was then that he realized she was upset about something.

"Darlin what's the matter?" He tried stopping her as she walked out the room by putting his hand on her upper arm. She pushed past him, heading straight for the front door. Whitey was quick again and stepped in front of her before taking the bag from her shoulder and setting it down. "Where are you trying to go?"

"Away from you," she snapped, now looking at her bag sitting behind his legs. If she could just get around him to grab the bag, she could run out of here and never look back.

He took a step back, shocked by the ice in her tone and the glare in her eyes. Never in all of the years they had been together had she ever looked at him like that.

"Why?" Was all he asked. "Darlin' talk to me. What's going on?"

The girl looked down at the simple ring on her finger. She remembers the day he gave it to her with the question "will you marry me?" She remembers telling him that the ring was the most beautiful piece of jewelry she had ever seen when he told her it wasn't as much as he wanted to get her. She remembers how happy she was.

(Y/N) slipped the ring off her finger and shakily shoved it towards him until he took it. Her hard exterior was crumbling as she felt tears well up in her eyes. She was no longer angry but instead powerless.

"I won't live like a fool anymore. Just stay away from me." She tried moving to grab her bag but once again he stood in front so she couldn't. As upset as she had been, she was now agitated that he wouldn't let her leave. "I went to see you and Mary today." Whitey's face paled, the clear sign that he finally caught on to what she was talking about. "She said you hadn't shown up at all today or any of the other days you told me you were seeing her."

"It isn't what it looks like," he told her, taking a step closer to her. She jumped back, her cheeks already flooding with tears. "I'm not cheating. Why would I cheat on you?"

"Isn't that what I should be asking you?" She dryly laughed.

"(Y/N), darling I'm not cheating. I was going to meet someone but not like that. Not the way you're thinking," he continued. He was told by Mary this might happen one day. He would get caught in something he didn't want to all because he had good intentions. He was sure that once she knew what it was, she wouldn't hate him but he still didn't want to tell her. "I love you and I can prove I'm not cheating."

She stood still. She didn't want this to be true so of course she wanted him to prove it but she also knew men can be deceiving and she didn't want to be made a fool of. She just wished he had told her the truth to begin with.

"Just stay right here. I'll be right back." He waited for her to nod before running out the door to his horse which was tied right beside hers. He left the instrument wrapped up and ran back inside the house.

He stopped in front of her hesitantly. He seemed just as nervous now as he did that day he asked her to marry him, only now he was nervous for a whole different reason.

"Mary said I shouldn't've tried to hide it from you because she knows I'd screw it up but I didn't listen." Whitey handed her the instrument. "I wanted it to be a surprise for the wedding. Louise has been teaching me how to play."

(Y/N) pulled back the cloth to reveal a violin. Her heart clenched just like it had done a few other times today. She was wrong and she ruined something special to him— for her.

"I'm sorry," she cried, guilt taking over her emotions now. Whitey took the violin from her hands and set it on the closest counter before pulling her into his chest. He held onto her tightly as she wrapped her arms around his lanky body.

Whitey pushed her off him gently before kneeling down in front of her. He had one hand holding one of her own and the other holding the ring she just gave him back.

"I don't love Louise. I love you. Marry me?" (Y/N) nodded quickly, just like she had when he asked for the first time. He slipped the ring onto her ring finger before standing up, his hands immediately pressing to her cheeks to bring their lips together.

She pulled away first and smiled up at him. "You stink Whitey. Go take a bath."

His face curled into a smirk as he slid his hands to her waist. "Take one with me?" She laughed but let him pull her out of their kitchen and outside towards the bucket where they would take their bath. She quickly would forget about this incident and focus on the rest of her life being married to Whitey Winn.

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