We met

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George's point of view.

Angelica awkwardly scooted into the booth as Eliza and I sang Candy store from the heathers, one of my favorite musicals. A few people eyed us warily while a few fellow college students started whooping. Angelica playfully smacked my arm. I turned my eyes to the waiter and my stomach fluttered. He was cute. Like really cute. He had freckles across his nose and top of his cheeks. Auburn hair, hazel eyes that were expanded by his owl-rimmed glasses. Holy frick. He smiled at us.

"Listen, I think you guys have wonderful voices, but sadly, the other patrons don't like it. Anyway, I'm sam I'll be your waiter for today. Can I get you some drinks to start out?" Angelica ordered a coke and so did Eliza. regaining my senses, I grinned.

"Just a water, please. Although I already have a tall glass of it right in front of me." He blushed and laughed.

"smooth Sadly, our policy prevents me from hooking up at work. Doesn't stop me from giving you my number though." He said as he walked away. Eliza looked at me, an eyebrow raised.

 "How did you do that?" I laughed.

"I'm just smooth like that." Angelica rolled her eyes and Eliza laughed. Sam returned with our drinks. He set mine down on a napkin, which had his number scrawled down the bottom. Before he left, he flipped the tray under his arm and placed his hand on his hip.

"Didn't catch your name." I extended my hand.

"George Fredricks." He took my hand, which i turned and kissed. He blushed again.

"Pleasure." He turned back to the table.

"We ready to order?" He took out his notepad as Eliza raised her hand.

"Fried pickles please." Sam nodded. Angelica ordered a burger and he turned to me.

"I'll have the pot pie." 

"Favorite of mine." He smiled and walked off. I grinned over at Angelica.

"That, My dearest Angelica, Is how you get a date."

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