Ask chapter 2!

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Again, the wonderful @KingburyCentral had provided me with questions, so let's get started!

"Aw, Georgie, what was the problem with the first time?"

"You upset Sammy. and don't call me that. Only Sammy is allowed to call me that." He said bitterly.

"Georgie, be nice!" Samuel said sharply, shooting an apologetic look at The asker.

"Samuel, how do you feel about your impending marriage to George?"

"Oh, I'm so excited! We've agreed on something small, although I'm not sure his father will allow it," he said brightly, laughing a little at the end. He stared down at the engagement ring, fiddling it on his finger slightly.

"Aaaahh what do you like best about your partner?"

George smiled widely, leaning his chin on his hand and staring fondly at Samuel.

"The way he smiles, his ability to calm anybody down, his adorable little temper, how wonderful he is with children.." Samuel blushed and poked George in the ribs.

"My temper is not cute! I'm honestly ashamed of it at this point," he said defensively. george laughed and petted the shorter's hair gently. Samuel smiled kindly and turned back to the asker.

"well, if i had to choose, about George... It would be how he treats me. He's never angry when I have to cancel because of an anxiety attack, and he's always been with me, and i love him for it." he said sweetly. george smiled and wrapped an arm around Samuel's shoulders.

"Not to mention you could cut yourself of his jawline," He said slyly. George made a face and poked Samuel in the ribs

What were your upbringings like?

Samuel glanced at George uncomfortably. The last time he had talked about it, he hadn't liked. George cleared his throat and smiled.

"Well, as a prince, I had to learn quite a bit to rule. fencing, different languages, although Samuel was the one who taught me Italian. My mother was wonderful, but my father and I never had the best relationship." 

Did you like your childhood?

Once again, George answered Samuel, keeping himself silent.

"I did, although i don't remember much of it."

what friends/enemies did you have growing up?

Samuel perked up, smiling widely. george looked at him fondly, glad to see his fiance excited.

"My best friend growing up was Italian, and poor, like me. Her name was Lily, and she was absolutely amazing at singing. SHe used to sing in pubs and restaurants and on the streets for money. we lived in the same boarding room, we pooled our money. she... disappeared one day.  I receive letters from her, sometimes, her telling me she's okay, singing in France and back in Italy. " He smiled tightly, fiddling with his ring. George petted his hair.

"I think that's all for now love. Thank you all for your comments!"

Hello, my lovelies! i hope you're having a good day. I've decided to let you guys in on some wisdom for self-care. If you haven't showered today, or in the past week, go run a hot bath and stay in there for an hour. Listen to music, read a book, or some fanfiction, do a face mask. Works for me when im stressed. Also, put a few green tea bags in there if you want an extra-relaxing nice-smelly bath. peppermint oild or tea works as well, one of my favorites. Goodbye, My loyal, royal subjects!

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