*inhale* *Sigh*

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okay, listen. My friend wrote this and wants me to post it here. so here go.

Samuel was terrified. He and George had gotten called back to the hospital because of something in his blood work, so could you blame him? George looked at him kindly.

"Do you want me to hold your hand?" He said sweetly. Samuel nodded as George took his smaller hand in his larger one, kissing it gently and letting Samuel lean on him. George knew he was scared, to be honest, he was scared too. He knew cancer ran in Samuel's family, so what were the chances that he could have some kind of lymphoma? He didn't know. A nurse came into the room with a clipboard.

"Samuel king?" The two of them stood up, not releasing their hands. They walked briskly down the hallway to a small office at the end of it. They stepped in to have the nurse close it tightly behind them. They sat in the chairs across from the bald, dark-skinned doctor. His name tag read 'Dr. George Washington, M.D' Samuels hands trembled.

"Samuel, I'm extremely glad you were able to come as quickly as you did. We need to talk about your blood work." Samuel nodded shakily.

"When we were checking for any sign of cancers or heart problems, we came across something rather peculiar. Are either of you familiar with male pregnancy syndrome?" Samuel shook his head. George did the same.

"Is a genetic condition in which a male has the ability to conceive and carry a child. It isn't incredibly rare, but there are only thirty or forty cases every year out of ten thousand people. Well, Samuel, I am diagnosing you with Male pregnancy syndrome." Samuel blinked in surprise. George looked at him with curiosity.

"I... I can get pregnant?" He said quietly Washington nodded.

"You can, and hopefully you will. See whenever we come across a type case such as yours, we encourage the patient to attempt to conceive, to further research this topic." Samuel nodded slowly again, still trying to process this.

"Look, I want the both of y'all to go home and think about this, then call me in the morning to see if you'd like to conceive or not." George nodded and stood up, Samuel following suit. They took the doctors card and walked out silently.

Later that night.

George looked at Samuel seriously.

"Sammy, do you really want to do this?" He said softly. Samuel shrugged.

"I don't know. I have the opportunity to get pregnant, and we've always wanted a baby, but what if it goes wrong, what if I have a miscarriage? I've read about male pregnancies. They're fragile. I wouldn't be able to do anything." George nodded.

"Sammy, listen. I love you to the ends of the earth, and if you don't want to have a baby, then you don't have to. If you do, I will hold your hand as long as you need me to. Okay?"

"Okay," he whispered softly.

Three weeks later.

Samuel stared at the small white stick intently, watching the lines come in the little window. George rubbed his back gently and watched with him. They had contacted Washington the day after the appointment and told him they wanted to try it. They had to pick up fertility medication for good measure, and now we're taking a test to see if their efforts had succeeded. Two pink lines show up. Samuels' eyes widened. He looked at George, whose face lit up In a bright grin he picked Samuel up and swung him around, laughing happily. Samuel pulled George closer by his neck and kissed him.

A few months later.

Samuel hunched over the toilet bowl miserably, face lightly green with dark circles under his eyes. George walked in and let him lean back. He kissed his forehead and brushed his hair back.

"I hate being pregnant" Samuel muttered. George smiled. He had taken off work for the next month, as the baby was due soon. Besides, he was a CEO, he didn't really need to be there every day.

"I know you do darling. I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Samuel leaned his head on his husband's shoulder.

"Not really, I'm just really tired. She was kicking at me all night, so I didn't get any sleep." George smiled and picked him up bridal style Samuel grabbed onto his neck tightly, for fear of falling. George laid him down on the bed and crawled in next to him. He wrapped his arms around his chest, just around his plump and round-ish eight-and-a-half-month stomach. He knew Samuel didn't like it if anyone but him touching his stomach, but was still wary of him having his hands on it. He rested his head on the smaller man's shoulder. Samuel didn't t want to be needy when he was home, but there were things he couldn't help, such as trying to tie up his shoes, or reaching one of the bins on the top shelf in his art room (he wasn't allowed on stepstools anymore, after almost falling the last time). George loved his husband and the baby in which he was growing. Held opened his eyes as he realized something.

"Sammy, you said she was kicking you all night. Does that mean we're having a girl?" Samuel smacked his forehead

"Dammit. I was supposed to keep it a secret. Yes, we're having a daughter." He murmured. George cheered.

"Oh my lord! This is wonderful. We need to think of names!"

"Charlotte rose. I've been wanting to use that name since the day I thought of it" he said quietly. His eyes didn't open as he slowly crept towards sleep.

"Charlotte rose sounds lovely darling." 

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