Lauren's interlude

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Samuel turned the page in his book as George scribbled a letter onto a parchment. They were worried, attempting to distract themselves. John hadn't written for a while, and they hadn't heard anything about him from the war. 

"Sir, There's a letter for you from South Carolina" Samuel glanced up and smiled. A letter from John. Thank god, he hadn't written in almost two months. He took the letter from the servant.

"Thank you, James. You are dismissed" James bowed and scurried out of the room. George glanced up from his desk as Samuel picked at the wax stamp on the letter. He finally managed to get it open.

"Read it aloud, i don't have my spectacles with me," George said, not turning from his letter. Samuel rolled his eyes and walked over, pulling the chair from the corner to sit at the edge of the desk.

"You really need to keep track of them, darling." George sighed and looked up.

"I know, but those damned things are so easy to lose" Smauel raised an eyebrow. George blushed lightly. he had forgotten that Samuel didn't like him cussing.

"ah-sorry, darling. Could you read the letter for me?" Samuel nodded, smiling slightly.

"Now that you've asked nicely." He cleared his throat and unfolded the letter.

"On Tuesday, the 27th, Lieutenant-colonel John Laurens was killed in a gunfight against British troops retreating from South Carolina" Samuel covered his mouth, tears starting to pour from his eyes. He read it again, praying that he had misread something--that this was a joke. He dropped the letter with shaky hands, George looking at him, devastated. 





Why? he had been their son--but he was gone. George picked up the letter, and read it as best he could, through blurry tears and his vision without his glasses. 

Until they can send for his remains.

They were sending his body back to his biological family. His father would be happy to see him dead, wouldn't he? This couldn't be happening. He was so young, only twenty-three. He would never come back to England.  He would never offer his arm with George to Samuel. He would never again laugh and blush at the congressional dinners held.

He would never see them again. George leaned his head in his hand, pressing his palm to his forehead. Samuel shook intensely.  George wrapped him tightly, tears dripping down his own face.

"Whoever hurt him-I'll kill them-I'll kill them," Samuel said quietly, still sobbing. George shushed him gently.

"It's alright darling. it will be okay"

"why him? why him?" he whispered softly. George winced and kissed his forehead. he didn't know and stayed silent.

two days later.

George was worried about Samuel. He didn't speak or cry anymore. he just stared into space and went somewhere in his head. He hadn't eaten since they found out, saying he felt sick. It was believable. He had thrown up almost after every meal. He wasn't doing it to himself, George had been with him when he had sprinted to the bathroom. His eyes were becoming darker because he hadn't been sleeping. he didn't answer anybody's questions. he just shook his head when someone asked if he was okay. He had to be with George at all times, a ghost following his husband. He had a panic attack when George wasn't there when he woke up from one of the winks of sleep he would get. 

tonight was no different. 

George had Samuel on top of his right arm, snoring softly, while Samuel laid awake, staring at the ceiling and rolling the beads of his rosary between his thumb and forefinger, trying to pray. he couldn't. He couldn't do most anything anymore. He couldn't read, or pray, or even think anymore. he just sat there, unmoving. A dull white light came from his left. he felt a shiver go down his spine and turned over, grabbing his glasses. John Laurens stood there, the same guilty smile on his face as when he had brought Samuel back to England. Samuel clapped a hand over his mouth.

"J-john?" He whispered.  The ghostly figure smiled and nodded.

"hey, Bishop Seabury." Smauel jumped up and ran over, trying to wrap his arms around the taller man, but fell forward after his arms went back to his own body. John laughed and sat next to him. Samuel had to refrain from grabbing his face to see if he was okay. samuel wiped away tears.

"You're a ghost, aren't you?" Samuel whispered.

"Yes. I saw how miserable you were, and I couldn't just let'cha suffer without me telling you something first." Samuel looked at him attentively.

"You are my best friend and my father. The big guy upstairs let me have a few minutes with you, along with another favor." smauel nodded, tears gathering in his eyes.

"He allowed me to be your guardian angel. Ain't nobody hurtin' you till the day you're dead, Bishop. I guarantee that" he said definitely.  Samuel laughed and wiped tears away.

"t-thank you john. goodness-i wish you wouldn't have left. I wish i could have saved you." he went silent for a moment, trying to stop apologizing "c-can you answer a question i have?" John nodded.

"W-what's heaven like? w-will George and I be together there?" John glanced at George, smiling gently.

"It's like our world, but the bad people ain't there. Nobodys gotta work, everyone's happy. There are little challenges here and there so you've got a purpose. it's perfect. and yeah, you'll be together. Might have to wait for one of y'all to die, but you'll see each other again. You'll be determined for your soulmate. I'm almost positive Y'all are a match though. think you'll get along just fine" He responded. Smauel sniffed and smiled at John.

"Thank you, John. I'll try and talk to you when I've got the time. C-can you answer?" John shrugged.

"It's strange, not gonna lie. I can't talk to you, but I can respond and make you feel a certain way." Samuel nodded. Joh got up, Samuel following quickly. John grinned.

"I gotta go. I'll be watching over you, though." smauel forgot about his ghostly appearance and hugged john tightly. He was solid in Samuel's arms.

"Goodbye Pops. I'll miss you. Tell Bagel and George I said hi" He disappeared.

Samuel's eyes fluttered open, his fingers still on his rosary, hands still poised. He sat up, searching the room calmly for the ghostly light of his son. 

"Sammy? are you alright?" George said groggily. Samuel looked at him, hair askew, eyes squinting in the darkness. Smauel kissed his forehead and smiled.

"I'm fine. and John says Hello."

tomorrow they'll be more of us...


actually, shoot me. Between the ribs.

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