Halloween chapter!

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"Georgie, Im sure you look great, just come out!" Samuel called from the living room. He laughed slightly. He and George were doing a couples costume for a Halloween party, and George was embarrassed.  They were going as Veronica and J.D. and Samuel was the one wearing the skirt, blazer, and thigh-high socks. He also had a croquet mallet in the signature colors. 

"Sammy, are you sure we can't just watch a scary movie and hand out candy like last year? you loved the little kids!" George called back. Samuel laughed and walked curtly into the hallway leading to their bedroom. He stood outside the door, crossing his arms indignantly.

"I did, but we're young! We should be getting wasted and partying, not fawning over little kids in bee costumes!" He called through the door.

'Correction, you're young! I'm old!" Samuel rolled his eyes.

"You're twenty-five, I'm twenty-two. Honestly. Just come out already, It's only me!" He replied. he heard a heavy sigh from the other side of the door, then it opened. George stood there, With a trenchcoat, doc martins, a white t-shirt, and jeans. Samuel blushed a little and grinned. He draped his arms around the taller neck.

"but with this kid, Daaaaaaaaammmmnnn" George laughed and wrapped his arms around his arms around Samuel's waist.

"Okay, thespian let's go. can't keep the heathers waiting too long" Samuel laughed and grabbed his small handbag.

"Got no time to talk, I'm a dead girl walking!" 

"Oh my god"

"Shut up, you love it."

"Love this dead girl!"

Kingbury one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora