Artistry part 2

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Maren is @awfarmer, she's an amazing writer and I think Y'all should check her out. She had these great kingbury one-shots that thoroughly surpass mine, and I think she should be honored. 

George had had enough of clients disrespecting Samuel. He was literally creating something out of scratch, and they were being assholes about it! He picked up his phone and dialed the number of an old friend.

"Hey, George! Haven't talked in a while!"

"Hey Maren, listen, I've got something we have to do."

~~~~~~~~movie time skip~~~~~~~

Alexander walked proudly out of his office building. He spotted a man and a woman standing outside the building, leaning on his car, appearing to be talking. No biggie, people like to talk, and he wasn't gonna get all pissy about them leaning against the trunk. He trotted over, waving.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but this is my car and I gotta get home." The man scowled and the woman remained blank-faced.

"Are you Alexander Hamilton?" he said flatly. Alexander nodded.

"George king." Alexander chuckled.

"Hey, I had an artist over here a few weeks ago with the last name king. Maybe you know him? Name's Samuel"

"Yeah, My husband." Alexander's stomach sank. he really hoped that they didn't discuss work.

"And he came home saying that somebody wasn't satisfied with the painting he worked for eight weeks on." Maren cut in, crossing her arms across her chest.

"And?" Alexander said. He could take them, right?

"You'd better apologize, or get the shit knocked out of you" Maren spat. Alexander dropped his bag and rolled up his sleeves

"I'll take the latter.


Samuel stirred the food in the small pot on the stove, humming to himself as he did so. The door opened and he glanced over at it.

"George? Is that you darling?" The tall platinum blonde-haired man stepped in, scratches on his face. Maren stepped in sheepishly behind him, a few scratches dotting her cheek.

"George, what on earth happened to you?"

"I, uh, I tripped?" Samuel raised his eyebrow and folded his arms across his chest. Maren gave him a convincing fake joking glare.

"This idiot took me for coffee, and on our way back a stray cat attacked us. He jumped in front of me, which is why he took the damage He just doesn't care to admit he got his ass beat by a stray cat"Samuel's hand flew to his mouth. He rushed over to George and cradled his scratched and bruised face in his hands, kissing him sweetly. He checked Maren's face, seeing that most of the blood had dried.

"You poor dears! Let me fix you up, then we can have dinner." He hurried off to the bathroom, leaving George and Maren. They looked at each other and sighed in relief. They fist bumped silently, still staring straight ahead.


Samuel opened the door to see two women, one taller than the other with dark curly hair, and a pink shirt, the other with long brown hair, pale-ish skin, and a sky-blue tule dress standing there, looking frustrated.

"Can I help you, ladies?" The one in pink scowled.

"Yeah, we're here to see George king. Who're you, his maid?" Samuel was about to get angry when he realized he had on an apron.

"No, no, I'm his husband. Might I ask why you need to see him?" Samuel said curiously, laughing a little at the beginning.

"Yeah, He beat up our best friend., Alexander" Samuel's eyes went dark and he turned away from the door.

"GEORGE WILLIAM KING!" He yelled. george jumped in his chair.

"oh shit"

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