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The Kings didn't argue very often. Yes, there was the occasional squabble or argument during monopoly, but they didn't argue frivolously. Samuel couldn't stay mad at George for long, and George hated being mad at his smaller husband, as Samuel usually tried to make up for what he could have possibly done wrong. They had differences, sure, and things they wish the other didn't do, like how Samuel wish George would stop putting the mugs on the top shelf, and how George wished Samuel knew how wonderful he was, but they tried to ignore or fix these little things.

This, on the other hand, was one of the bigger arguments they had. You see, George was an executive and financial Co-CEO in Washington and King law firm, one of the biggest in the world actually, and he traveled a bit for work. Samuel didn't really mind, just another thing anyone would put up with for a relationship like theirs, but those were the week and a half trips every once in a while. What he hated were the spells of frequent three-month trips. Things had finally calmed down, and George had made a promise to his happy-tear streaked husband when he arrived home.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying." He had crooned softly. Samuel had laughed a little and squeezed him tighter than George thought was possible. But lo and behold, Washington had called.

"It's an emergency. We have a conference in Delaware in about eight hours, I already booked the tickets, and this is the big case. If we win this, then we'll be the most well-known law firm in the world" George didn't want to go. This case was important but Washington could win it with half a sentence and a sure glance to the jury. It didn't help that it was his and Samuel's anniversary tomorrow.

"You're packing" George winced and turned, shirt still in his hand. His husband stood the doorway, arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed.

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry darling, it's just-Washington called about two minutes ago, the client needs to meet now, his trials been moved up. I..." he closed his mouth and opened it again as if to say something, but nothing came out. Samuel looked at him, anger and sadness bubbling in his eyes.

"You promised you wouldn't leave." He said flatly. George nodded.

"I know I did. But this is the big case, if we win this then we will have the most well-known law firm in the world." He explained. Samuel sighed.

"Fine. Go. Obviously, your work is more important than our anniversary." He turned out of the doorway and walked away, leaving George alone. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. Great. He had somehow managed to piss off a kindergarten teacher. Samuel was usually patient and wise beyond his years, but he got angry sometimes as everybody else does. George pulled his phone out and texted Washington.

GK: Hey, can you get Alexander to substitute for me? Samuel's pissed at me. Anniversaries tomorrow

Samuel, as in the kindergarten teacher?: GW

GK: Yes, how many other Samuels am I married to?

Good god man, go save yourself. Alex will cover: GW

GK: Thanks. I'll tell you if I'm dead or not

George set his phone down and stood up. He went into the living room, where he knew Samuel would be crocheting angrily. He had his bag on his shoulder, for effect. He wanted to surprise the smaller, as an apology. He looked down at him sadly, smiling weakly. Samuel didn't lift his eyes as he rapidly turned the hook in and out of the many rows he had somehow made in the past few minutes while George was waiting for Washington to respond. He kissed he smaller forehead. He crouched down and cupped his face in his hands.

"Sammy, I'm so sorry. I don't want to leave, but I have to go. I love you, and I swear to god I will fly back at midnight if I have the opportunity." Samuel blinked and smiled tightly.

"I love you too." He replied. George knew that Samuel was still mad, but he had preparations to make. He stepped out the door and smiled a little. He knew Samuel would probably be pissed, but it was a small price to pay.

Meanwhile, Samuel wasn't mad. He was frustrated, yes, but it was starting to set in that George would be gone for three months. He stood up to say goodbye but he was gone. He went back inside and laid down on the couch. He shouldn't have been so snappy, now George was probably angry at him. He wiped tears away, grabbing his phone. He clicked on the contact and pressed it to his ear.

No answer.

He put his face in his hands and cried. Yeah. Mad at him. He picked up his phone and sent a text to George.

SS: I'm sorry for being pissy, and I love you. Just text me when you take off and call when you land so we can talk, Okay? I love you, a lot. Believe me ♥️

George looked down at his phone fondly. He had received the text Samuel had sent and knew that his small husband was probably upset at himself and crying.

GK: it's alright sweetheart. I'll call you later. Love you ♥️

He checked he had everything. Gift, flowers, and Samuel's favorite movie. He was excited for their anniversary dinner tonight, which he was going to prepare, instead of making Samuel into a 50s housewife as usual. He pulled up to the front of the house and stepped out of the car, grabbing his stuff to bring inside. He found the door unlocked, and Samuel in the living room sleeping. George smiled and went into the kitchen to start dinner.

The Kings didn't argue very often, but when they did, it was a fairytale ending. 

Goodmorning my royal, loyal subjects! I hope you guys are having a wonderful day so far. One tip put on some fuzzy socks. They're great. Okay farewell, my royal, loyal subjects!

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