Charlotte rose

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Samuel turned the page in his book as George's quill moved rapidly across the page, making a small scratching sound across the parchment. There was a knock at the door, and Samuel looked up, looking to George, who nodded.

"Come in!" He called. The door burst open to an angry-looking man, dragging a little girl by the collar in one hand, and a loaf of bread clutched in the other. Samuel marked his page and sat up, George drawing his attention from the paper

"Caught this little rat sneakin' outta the kitchens with some bread. Thought I oughta bring 'er straight to you." He flung the girl down, and she whimpered helplessly, eyes dripping tears. Samuel looked at the pair angrily, eyes shooting daggers. The man seemed proud, puffing out his chest.

"How dare you!" Samuel exclaimed, eyes bubbling. He stormed towards them, and the girl flinched away, expecting to be struck, but Samuel marched right past her over to the man.

"How dare you treat her like that! Look at the poor thing! She obviously hasn't eaten in weeks! And you come in here, acting proud you caught a hungry child?! You are leaving immediately, as you are no longer employed." He said angrily. The man's proud manner dissipated.

"B-but Sir, who-"

"There are plenty of women and men more qualified than you to take your place. Leave." He spat. The man nodded and scampered out of the room. Samuel walked over to the girl, kneeling in front of her, eyes softening.

"Are you Alright? Did he hurt you?" He said kindly. The girl shook her head.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"C-Charlotte. Charlotte rose Blanchard." She answered shakily. She seemed about twelve, with auburn hair not too different from Samuel's own, and icy blue eyes like George's. She had light freckles and pale skin, although her cheeks had a bright rosy color to them. She was wearing a ragged brown dress that was more patches than original cloth. Samuel smiled sympathetically.

"Have you eaten today?" Charlotte shook her head. George, who had been watching all this silently, stood. He crouched next to his husband and Charlotte.

"We'll get you some food and some new clothes. You'll sleep here tonight, and we'll get your parents to fetch you in the morning." Charlotte looked at him with wide eyes, sadness radiating from them.

"I don't have parents. they died when I was little" Samuel looked at George. They exchanged concerned glances. Samuel looked back to the girl

"No matter dear. Let's get you cleaned up."

Later that night

Samuel couldn't help but feel a little distraught about the issue at hand. After Charlotte had cleaned up, they had started talking. She was extremely intelligent, and enjoyed art and reading, as Samuel did. She also knew a lot about poetry, a subject that George loved. Samuel has asked how she'd known. She had replied simply that she spent most of her time in the public library to keep warm. Samuel had looked at George with concern in his eyes.

Now, they were lying in bed, both minds racing about Charlotte, who was sleeping two doors down.

"I know you're thinking about her. I am too" George said quietly. Samuel nodded against his husband's chest.

"We can't put her back out on the streets. She'll starve." He murmured. George nodded.

"I guess we'll have to adopt her. Let her stay here."

"Hang on what?" Samuel sat up groggily and looked at George.

"Well, we can't throw her out, and I couldn't fathom making the poor thing a servant, with her intelligence. Besides, we need an heir, and seeing as there isn't a way for you to get pregnant, we have to adopt," he concluded. Samuel nodded dreamily.

"You're right. We'll adopt her, and she'll have the best life we can give her," he said thoughtfully. George pulled him to his chest once more, smiling as he kissed the top of his head, letting his lips linger for a moment before pulling away and letting his chin rest on the smaller head.

The next day

Charlotte sat stock straight at the table, carefully eating her breakfast, making sure she wasn't eating too quickly. She needed to impress royalty, didn't she? The man she knew as Samuel cleared his throat and adjusted in his eating. She looked at him fearfully.

"Charlotte, there's something we'd like to ask you" George squeezed Samuel's hand, which had been joined in his all of breakfast, which wasn't uncommon.

"Y-yes sir?" she stuttered nervously. Samuel glanced at George anxiously and and took a breath.

"WOuld you want to live here, permanently, and let us adopt you? I know it's sudden, but we just thought-" he was interrupted by Charlotte dropping her fork against her plate, making a clattering sound he flinched at. She looked at them in disbelief.

"I- um." she took a deep breath to steady herself.

"Yes. I'd love to" HE said happily. George laughed excitedly, looking at Samuel, who's face had broken out in a wide grin. George ran over and scooped charlotte up, swinging her around. Samuel rushed over and squeezed the both of them happily. Charlotte's smaller body wracked with happy sobs, Samuel soon following. 

She had a family again.

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