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Samuel hated to fight with anybody, his husband especially. He often took things that annoyed him into his own hands instead of making a fuss, which made him seem to have a perfect life, and for the two to have a perfect marriage. But sometimes political matters made him and George angry at one another. Samuel hadn't thought a fight this big could've happened yet, here they were.

"George, these men are elected members of Congress! You should respect them as you respect me!" He exclaimed, looking George in the eye and seeing his husbands opinion hold tightly. George rolled his eyes. The two were standing on opposite sides of George's study, eyes fiery and tones hostile.

"You want me to give them a kiss before I go to my study? Or shall I let them fetch me from my office when I've been working too late?" George shot back, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Samuel glared. The two were married! Of course he cared, but that wasn't respect towards Samuel.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." He spat. George's glare was venomous, near deadly, as he stared with narrowed eyes at Samuel.

"Is it? Because that seems what you want me to do! You have more control over me than those idiots!"George was slowly raising his voice. Samuel stepped back, hurt slightly. He regained his composure as quickly as his mind and the phantom-feeling pain in his chest would allow him too. He didn't think he had control over his husband, just, a gentle influence on his well being.

"I do those things because I love you!" Samuel said back, keeping his voice level. George rolled his eyes. Dear god, samuel was starting to sound like his mother.

"Oh, this argument is because you love me? Nice try Samuel, but you're a terrible liar." Samuel's hands had balled into fists with white knuckles. His husband, the man who he had loved for nearly ten years, had basically accused Samuel of not loving him, which was blatantly not possible. Samuel had taken care of him through every bad day, sickness, and walked through hell with George. Funny. after all he did to help his husband, George didn't know he was loved. Or he was blatantly ignoring the fact just to annoy him. Samuel stared ahead at his husband and relaxed his hands, counting to ten in his head. George noticed and laughed coldly.

"Trying not to get angry with me, are you? Oh, Sammy the saint! He's so kind and could do nothing wrong!" He exclaimed in a mocking tone. George got up and went over to Samuel, who stood his ground. He remembered this side of George. His height often intimidated the ambassadors or nosy subjects when they were out, but Samuel didn't flinch. He knew his husband would never lay a finger on him. George glared at him from above.

" well 'Sammy the saint' can stop having opinions about political issues he doesn't know anything about!" Samuel looked at George with a certain look of contempt. He had to be kidding. Number one, he knew more about politics than the prime minister did, and number two, his opinion wasn't political at all, except for the politician he was defending. The ambassadors deserved as much respect that you would give someone in a higher power. Didn't know anything about politics- he wrote an entire damned book about political issues!

"Is it a matter of politics, or a matter of your arrogance?" Samuel spat back. George was taken aback. He wasn't arrogant! Was he? He knew he had to be— Samuel wasn't a liar. He stared down at the smaller man beneath him, eyes fuming and body tense, prepared to run away or defend himself.

"I am not arrogant!" George exclaimed. Samuel huffed a laugh.

"Aren't you?! You can't take one blow to your pride without blowing up, like now for example. You often don't care for others feelings, only your work. If someone gets on your bad side you Make their life a living hell!" He shouted. George was about to say something when samuel continued. His accent was steadily becoming more prominent, and George knew it wouldn't be long before he started ranting in full out Italian. "Your a snotty, stuck-up prick that can't handle even constructive criticism! Even from his own husband!" George glared down at Samuel. It was his turn to be angry.

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