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Guess who almost died on the teacups n real life! your faithful writer!

George's POV

I grabbed Samuel's hand and swung it back and forth playfully. He laughed as we went through the park pathways. We worked for a company that always had a 'team exercise day', which was really an excuse to go to an amusement park. Samuel didn't particularly love roller coasters unless I was holding his hand, so it resulted in us going on the same coaster together. We were pretty mellow with Mister and Missus Washington, but our coworkers were a different story. Alexander, John, Hercules, Lafayette, Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, and Maria were like a bunch of small children. Going on every ride possible, screaming and shouting on the rides. The four of us found it quite funny honestly. Samuel and I were a bit older than them, Samuel going on twenty-seven (still beautiful as ever mind you), The Washingtons heading steadily towards their mid-forties, and I was twenty-nine. Everyone else was twenty-two or twenty-three. Our group was starting to get tired, but the others were completely energized.

"Let's go on the teacups!" Eliza said excitedly. I looked over at Samuel, who smiled. The Washingtons nodded as well.

"Alright honey. But we have to go after this if we want to make it home by tomorrow," Martha said sweetly. They all nodded frantically and got in line. We stepped in line as well.  The little gates opened and we stepped into the platform. We got into a teacup with Alexander, Lafayette, and Hercules, while the Washingtons hot Maria, John, Peggy, Maria, and Eliza. The ride started moving, and Alexander grinned with his death smirk. He gripped the little wheel in the middle and started spinning wildly. Hercules and Laff joined in and started spinning wildly. Samuel was caught off-guard by this and toppled over, his leg bent at a weird angle, and he kept trying to get up. 

"QUIT SPINNING," I said loudly, trying to get Samuel up so he didn't break his leg. They didn't stop but started going faster. At this point, I was panicking. How was I going to explain to paramedics and his mother that we went on every other death-defying ride and he broke his le on the Goddamn teacups?! Finally, after struggling to get him up for the majority of the time, I grabbed the wheel and glared at them.

"STOP SPINNING GODDAMMIT" they finally stopped and I was able to get him up as the ride was coming to a stop. As soon as the doors opened he stepped out and gripped the side of the teacup and tried to steady himself. His face was extremely pale. He stepped off shakily as Alexander and hercules looked at him apologetically. Lafayette, however had no shame whatsoever and was talking excitedly with Peggy about something. The Washington's came over and looked at Samuel concerndedly.

"Are you Alright? We saw you spinning-or your legs I suppose" Martha said. We laughed a little.

"I'm fine, but to think-death by teacups!"

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