Flowers (fluff)

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OH MY GOD THIS IS 15 ON KINGBURY! alright, my computer is being weird but I managed this one for a special. I might not update in a while but I'll work on a couple to post as soon as the problem's fixed. This is historical time. And to make up for it being a while, I'm taking requests on this page. I can see what I can do about smut. Not great  at it but I have freinds who can help

Sam loved flowers. He loved the way they smelled, the delicate nature in which they grew and held their posture. He would often walk through the garden at night, to admire the flowers. George would Usually join him, talking about some meeting or something. Tonight was no different, except for the fact that George was dead silent. Sam didn't notice.

"Sammy, why do you like flowers so much?" George asked finally. He realized he never asked Sam why he liked them so much.

"I just love their diversity. Their elegance. the way they grow and the way they smell. The beauty is that no flower is ever the same, even if they came from the same seed. Reminds me of us really." George blinked in surprise. He knew Sam was thoughtful but wow. He wrapped his arms around Sam's waist and pulled the shorter man close. He leaned his forehead against Sam's and smiled.

"Hopeless romantics aren't we?" Sam murmured  George laughed and swayed them a little bit, humming softly. Sam loved evenings like this, when they would talk, joke around, usually the night would end up with them cuddling in bed, waiting for sleep to envelope them.  Hopeless romantics or not, they were together and that was all that mattered. George kissed Sam tenderly, picking him up gently and smiling as he protested through laughing. Sam loved flowers, but he  felt that moments like this were worth all the flowers in the world.

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