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Samuel walked quickly down the hallway, hoping to avoid somebody. He had almost made it to  George's office when a taunting voice came from behind him. 

"HEY SEABURY!" he sighed heavily and turned around, seeing a short man with a goatee he knew as Alexander Hamilton. 

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Samuel frowned. This again?

"To Meet George so we can go home." Hamilton rolled his eyes.

"Oh, your boyfriend?"

"Husband. The wedding was last week. We're taking our honeymoon at the end of the month." He said flatly. Hamilton was momentarily stunned. Samuel took this opportunity and went back down the hallway in the direction of George's office. He was once again stopped by the shorter man.

"What do you see in him?" he said. His face was all serious, but Samuel knew that glint in his eye.

"The fact that he can reach the top shelf without a stepstool." Samuel spat. He pushed past Hamilton, only about ten feet away from his husband's office.

"Is it that, or the fact that he's rich?" Samuel rolled his eyes. He got this question constantly. He was only a year younger than his husband, but people always accused him of being a gold-digger. he sighed and went back on his way. Hamilton stopped him as he had his hand on the handle.

"Golddigger." Samuel didn't respond but pushed open the door and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. George looked up from his desk and smiled. Samuel smiled back, walking over and kissing his husband's forehead. 

"How was your day?" 

"Fine, mainly. Had another run-in with Hamilton just now." Georg stopped putting papers into a briefcase and looked straight at him. His eyes flickered.

"What did he say?"

"Oh, the usual truths. Golddigger. That sort of thing" He said, laughing a little.

"I swear, i am going to fire that man," George growled. Samuel grinned and shook his head.

"I have a better idea. But it might involve staying a little late."

The next morning

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY OFFICE?!" Samuel held back a snicker as George and he came out of the break room. Hamilton stood in the doorway to his office, which was sticky-mote covered, including the desk, computer, walls, and desk chair. Samuel sipped some of the coffee to hide the grin stuck on his face. George smiled lightly. Hamilton turned around.

"IT WAS YOU! Wasn't it?!" He yelled. Samuel snickered. More and more people came into the hallway.

"Oh, Of course not. We went to dinner right after work last night." He said, holding back a laugh. George nodded. Alexander was still furious.


"Alexander. That's enough. They didn't do it." Washington said firmly. Alexander turned around, face as red as a tomato.

"How do you know?"

"Martha and I saw them last night at the restaurant." Alexander's face fell but sprang back up with anger.

"Then who did it?" Washington shrugged.

"beats me. I'm the only one with a key." Everybody went back to their offices, and Samuel grinned at George. He burst out laughing, His husband joining. Washington grinned as he closed the door.

"Just like me and martha." He said jokingly, although nobody could hear him.

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