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I CANNOT BELIEVE Y'ALL! 300 EFFING VOTES! I'm gonna have an aneurysm, I swear to god. LIKE HOLY HECK! I WROTE Y'ALL THIS, SO HERE YA GO!

Samuel looked at himself in the mirror closely, trying to make sense of himself tears gathered in his eyes as he looked away, nearly gagging at the sight of himself. He hated the way he looked. He despised how his face was round, he hated how his nose perked up at the end, he hated the freckles dotting across his face. He wiped tears away desperately, but more fell. He was worthless. He was nothing to no one. Not the Schuyler's, not his roommates, not even George.


Samuel sunk to the floor and sobbed. He had ruined George's entire life. He loved George, so much, but he was just a burden, wasn't he? A lonely gay off the streets of New York comes up and gets together with a rich guy from London. God, he hated himself. He stared at his hands, which were blurry with tears. He hated how fragile he was. He hated how his heart pounded every time the goddamn phone rang. He heard footsteps in the hallway but didn't care.

"Sammy? Darling, are you okay?" A soft voice, tinged with a British accent came from his left side. Samuel shook his head, feeling a hand loop around him and carry him somewhere. Suddenly, he was curled up in George's lap, his taller husband rocking him gently.

"What's going on darling?" He said softly. Samuel took a deep breath and sniffed a little, inhaling George's brown sugar and inky scent.

"worthless. I only hold you down. Just go on and leave me, it'll be better for you" Samuel choked out. George's eyebrows furrowed. He lifted the smallest chin up to face him.

"You matter, so much. You are my life, you are what makes me get my arse out of bed in the morning, Sammy. I love you, and you do nothing but lift me up" George said quietly. Samuel looked up at him, face streaked heavily with tears.

"I love you" George repeated. Samuel wiped his eyes and kissed the taller sweetly.

"I love you too. I'm sorry." He said quietly.

"You've got nothing to apologize for. How does a movie and cuddles sound?" Samuel kissed him again.


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