Come back

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George glanced down at his phone and back around at the airport gate. He was positive the many people around him were reporters and paparazzi in disguise, but at this point, he didn't care. Samuel was coming home today, after about six and a half months of filming, the Lead Actor in 'Beautiful' would finally be home. George himself was more excited to give something to Samuel. He clutched the black box in his Pocket, a little nervous. He wanted to propose to Samuel. They had been together for about three years, and they had talked about getting married. They had settled on thinking about it more after Samuel got back. The gate opened and people came trickling out. George glanced worriedly over the head, searching for the unmistakable auburn hair. It would most likely be messy because Samuel always got jet lag. Finally, he saw him. He had bags under his eyes, a tired look of curiosity, and as predicted, messy hair. George smiled widely and ran over.

"Sammy!" He exclaimed, picking up the small man and swinging him around. Samuel laughed and wrapped his arms around George's neck, kissing him sweetly. George stopped swinging and held Samuel about a foot off the ground. He finally set him down, although Samuel kept his hands cupping George's face.

"God I missed you." He Said quietly. George smiled even wider. He took the ring box and clutched it in his hands.

"Remember the last conversation we had on the phone?" Samuel laughed and nodded.

"Yes. You kept quoting Sherlock or something." He said through giggles. George grinned and took Samuels hand.

"I mean what we first talked about." Samuel nodded.

"We talked about getting married." George smiled and got down on one knee, holding the box open. Samuel's hand went to his mouth and tears filled his eyes.

"Samuel, you have been the best boyfriend I've ever had for the past four years of my life. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you, Samuel Seabury, marry me?" The crowd held it's breath in anticipation.

"Oh my god yes!" Samuel just about yelled, tackling George, wrapping his arms around his now Fiancés neck. George laughed as the crowd cheered. Samuel sobbed into his shoulder happily. George sat up and wiped the tears from Samuels face gently. He slid the ring onto his finger, smiling widely as Samuel noticed the engraving.

I will wait for you.

Cameras flashed around them, although they didn't particularly care at the moment. They could deal with the magazines in a little bit.

For now, they had a wedding to plan!

Hey Y'all! I'm doing another ask chapter, so Samuel and George will gladly answer your questions. Fire away!

"Not this again"

"Georgie, be nice" 

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