Give you my heart

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Samuel was terrified. His heart was failing, and he needed a replacement. He didn't like the idea of general anesthetic, or the fact that the thing keeping him alive right now was to be taken out of his chest and replaced with another that might not even work. So, yeah, he was a little nervous. He sat in the hospital room, fiddling with the bedcovers as he stared down at his hands. He was thinking, about what could happen. What would happen? He could die, but what did that mean for him? He'd always been religious, but what if heaven wasn't real? Or what if he got sent to hell? He started shaking slightly, starting to panic. He heard footsteps come into heather room and he looked up, seeing his blonde husband standing there with a coffee and a glass of water for Samuel.

"Have you been thinking again darling?" George asked softly, setting the cups down and going over to Samuels hospital bed and sitting in the chair he'd parked next to him. Samuel nodded silently, looking back down at his hands. George took the other man's hand in his, resting Samuels hand on top of his palm-up, comparing the size of their hands. Samuels hands were smaller by a great length, his fingers being thinner and more nimble, while George's were slightly rough with square shaped fingers.

"I love you Sammy, and I wouldn't push you to go through with this if I didn't think it was the best option. You know I wouldn't." He said quietly. Samuel nodded, wrapping his hand wishing George's softly. He ran a thumb across the back of it.

"I know you wouldn't. But, there is just something about surgery that makes you kind of scared Georgie." He replied softly. George huffed a laugh and looked at samuel.

"You're so... brave. I would never... I couldn't." He murmured samuel rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure you could Georgie. Is Charlotte alright, I haven't seen her for a week." George huffed a laugh, just thinking of the six-month old.

"She's just fine, but she's definitely missing you. Always cries until I sing that song you sing to her," Samuel giggled, almost crying at the very thought of his daughter, whom he missed strongly. She was blonde, like George, with dark brown eyes, which was rare.

A few doctors stepped into the room, along with a nurse.

"Mister Seabury! We've come to prep you for surgery" the tallest doctor said happily, samuel nodded shakily and shifted uncomfortably as a few bags of drugs were hung from the IV next to him. He looked at George with a deep anxious look in his eyes, as the bed was lowered a mask was pressed to his face.

It was a blur what happened next, but he felt George's lips brush his forehead and a hand leave his as everything went dark, peacefully and kindly, fading out as he let eyes close and sleep consume him.

He woke up four hours later, his head hurting a little, and surrounded by his friends. Eliza was talking to Maria across the room while peggy was drawing, Charles was across the room with Peggy, and Alexander was sitting next to him, in an almost protective position, while burr, Thomas, and James sat on the other side and at the end, forming a shield of humans around the Italian. Samuel shifted and sat up slightly, rubbing his eyes and hearing the excited shouts from everybody in the room.

There were cries and happy calls from everyone. Eliza was gushing an how nervous she was for him, and Peggy was only smiling attitude him.He chuckled and looked around, looking for his blonde haired husband. Everyone settled down and sat around, looking at a samuel excitedly. He cleared his throat and looked around once more.

"Where's George?" He croaked, realizing how parched he was, Alexander handed him a glass of water. Before anyone could stop him, he rose and spoke..

"Well, who did you think you got the heart from?" He asked. Everyone in the room started at him. Tears filled Samuels eyes as a shaky hand went to his mouth, another going directly to his Chet's, where his new heartbeat inside of it. They started to pour as he sobbed violently.

"He's gone?" He cried, looking at Alexander with a despaired look. Alexander held back a grin and didn't answer, no one answered. Truth being, George had just been there and ran to use the bathroom, but they were all shocked at Alexander's words. Shocked beyond protest. "He's gone!" Samuel wailed, putting his face in his hands, continuing to sob. One of his doctors came into the room, along with a nurse.

"What's wrong?" The doctor asked. Samuel couldn't answer, he could barely breathe, let alone speak. His husband had sacrificed himself to save Samuel? Footsteps came into the doorway, and samuel looked up, the doctor trying to sit the smaller man up so his stitches wouldn't rupture from the force of his crying.

George stood in the doorway with slightly damp hands.

"Sammy you're awake! What's wrong?" He asked. He ran over, letting smauel grip onto him tightly.

"You're alive!" He wailed, burying his face in George's shoulder."Alex Adler told me you gave me your heart, and I got so scared!" He continued, George looked at Alexander, who was snickering, over his shoulder.

"It's alright Sammy, you're alright, try and calm down love" he said quietly. By that point, everybody had regained their sense and was glaring at Alexander hatefully. Te( kings stayed together for a moment while Alexander was dragged outside and yelled at but the entire party, which was warranted, obviously.

Samuel clutched George's face and wiped his tears.

"Darling, That was scarier than anything I've ever gone through." He said with a small laugh. George sighed and stroked Samuels cheek.

"I'm never letting Alexander near you ever again." George said flatly.

"Fine by me, as long as Charlotte can come visit while Eliza's still here," samuel agreed, George nodding in return.

"Next when I say you gave me your heart, don't take it literally"

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