"You don't know how I spend my free time"

511 16 32

"Alright team. We've got a new mission, and a new criminal to track down. James Reynolds." Samuel And George grasped hands under the table, paying rapt attention to Washington. He took a breath and sighed.

"There is a celebration in which James Reynolds will be attending, the perfect opportunity to collect evidence inconspicuously. We need agents to go undercover. But before you volunteer, there's a catch. This celebration is mainly for older men and-" he cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable with the term-"Sugar babies" several agents groaned. Samuel looked at George, drumming his fingers on the table. George nodded and raised his hand.

"We'll do it, Sir." He said definitely. Washington glanced at them curiously. He wasn't entirely surprised though. Leave it to those two to take the assignment nobody wants. They were the hardest workers in the division. Come to think of it, they need a reward. He made a note to look into it later.

"It's a requirement for a man and a woman." He said slowly. He needed to make sure, even if he knew what response was coming to him. George nodded.

"Well, it's a celebration for older men and their sugar babies. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few gay ones." Samuel pointed out. Washington nodded. He sighed. They were right. It would be suspicious if they sent in a straight couple to a celebration with a statistically high gay rate.

"You sure you two want to do this?" Sam nodded, George joining.

"We're sure. When is it?"

Two days later

Samuel fanned himself, desperately trying to get his mascara and eyeliner to dry before he went out of the dressing room. He was about to go on the mission, and the identity makeup artist wasn't required this time around. Samuel was feminine, and he knew how to put on makeup correctly. He had on a skin-tight dark blue dress, a pair of six-inch black red bottom heels and a ring and necklace to top it off. He had curled his hair and done his makeup with the most precision he could muster. It was mainly simple, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, concealer, and some red lipstick. He had skipped foundation. To let his freckles show, and he just didn't like the feeling on his face. All of his clothing and accessories were counterfeit designers.

 He grabbed the small handbag that had his phone, a small self-silencing pistol, and a white pill marked 'S' for suicide. If an agent was in a situation where they were being used for information, the pill could be taken, and they would die instantly. They were all mentally prepared to do it. Samuel stepped out of the room, seeing George standing there, wearing a waistcoat, button-up shirt, Dress pants, and suit jacket. The rest of the team waited outside the dressing rooms, expecting smauel to wobble around like a baby deer, only to find he walked with the utmost precision in the heels.  Eliza raised an eyebrow.

"how the hell do you walk soo well in those?" she questioned. She wore heels almost every day, but could never imagine herself walking in those shoes successfully. samuel grinned.

"You don't know what I do in my free time." He shot back flirtatiously. Eliza rolled her eyes. george laughed.  He checked his mic and gun holster and glanced at Samuel.

"Ready?" Samuel nodded. They walked out to the car, praying that either would have to use the pill.

they arrived fairly quickly and got out, handing the keys to the valet. Washingtons came over the intercom.

"Alright, guys. Remember the mission. Get James Reynolds, and get out. Try and act natural, and go with what they tell you. copy?"

"copy," they said in unison. They approached the front gate and handed security the forged invitation.  The man nodded and let them in. George wrapped an arm around Samuel's waist, letting a hand rest on his ass. smauel blushed slightly but quickly got it to go away. Sugar babies were used to it, right?

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