roller coaster

591 19 31

"Georgie, I really don't want to do this," Samuel said nervously. the line in front of them moved up, George smiling down at his Fiance.

"it'll be fine darling. A rollercoaster is literally the safest vehicle you can be in."

"I know but did you have to choose 'the griffin'?" He responded, finger quoting. George chuckled.

"You'll have fun, and I'll hold your hand the entire time." Samuel nodded, even though this did little to console him. The gate in front of them opened, and they sat in the seats at the end of the row. The headrests closed as employees buckled the seats. Samuel held George's hand with a death grip. The ride started, and they went up, up, up.

"G-Georgie, is it s-supposed to b-be t-this f-far up?" George nodded.

"Yeah, I warned you didn't I?" 

"no!" George shrugged a bit. They rounded the corner and started to go down. Suddenly, the car stopped. Samuel looked frantically to George.

"Are we stuck? why did we stop?" he squeaked. George shook his head.

"just wait for it! It'll go so-"(I swear to Washington if you make wait for it jokes I'm going to freaking write a thousand long word one-shot out of anger.) Samuel screamed as he grappled at the seat and George's hand for purchase. they turned upside down a few time until the car came to a steep stop. The floor came up, and the vests unlocked. Samuel grabbed onto George tightly, his finger leaving marks on his arms.

"Are you gonna be alright?" George said after a minute of walking. Samuel nodded shakily.

"Y-yeah. I just don't like heights." George smiled and picked him up, Samuel clinging to him for dear life.

"This height okay?"

"Oh shut up! and put me down!"Samuel exclaimed. People were starting to stare.

"No thanks" 

"You are an absolute idiot."

"Yes, but I'm YOUR idiot, and you love me, so ha." Samuel rolled his eyes.

"I suppose I do, but sometimes i regret it" George gave him an exaggerated look of betrayal.


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