Closing the curtains

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Hello, my loyal, royal subjects

It's been great writing for you, and I love the support and comments I get from you guys, so thank you.

But, I'm ending this book

I'm still going to open up a hamilton one-shots as a general one, and there will be kingbury on there.

But seeing at this has eighty chapters, I figured it's a good time to stop.

I'm opening other books, again, such as my hamilton and hetalia one-shots, along with a book where I can give my opinion on social issues, if you'd like to hear them.

But, for this book,

I fare thee well,


The stage goes dark.

The curtain closes

Samuel looks at George, smiling softly

"The shows over darling" he said, barely audible. George nodded.

"We've had such fun, haven't we? I'll miss it" he said wistfully, with the wisdom of years under his belt, Samuel took his hand.

"I will too. But, it'll be nice to rest for a while" theirblips conmect.

The world fades to black.

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