Winter AU profiles!

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That's my art up there! feel free to use it if you need, and if you need me to draw you something, I need to keep busy, so let me know!


-Always cold (even when he has on  like thirty million scarves)

-Loves the peppermint hot chocolate at Starbucks, is frequent then and only then

-Is always ready to cuddle, because the heat in their apartment is horrible.

-Loves playing in the snow, often nails George in the head, starting a snowball war with him.

-despises getting sick, but always does, so he's glad he works from home as an artist.

- Is a HUGE baking enthusiast who will literally make enough cookies for the entire apartment building, plus George's work team.

-Is the person to ask if you need a scarf or hat because he has a giant bin he's crocheted when he's had free time

- always Spends Christmas eve with George at the soup kitchen, handing out scarves and mittens as well as Christmas cookies.

-Makes great food for Christmas day dinner, and invites his four sisters, his father, George's parents, and George's brother Micheal. 


-Knows Samuel is always cold, resulting in him always keeping him less than three inches away from him.

- Figures out how to make the peppermint hot chocolate so Samuel doesn't have to go to Starbucks all the time.

-Is always happy to beat Samuel in a snowball war, usually ending up with him pushing Samuel into a snowbank.

-Always get's Samuel's art supplies and cough medicine for him when he's sick.

-Is usually happy to cuddle with Samuel, seeing as he usually fell sleep on his lap so he could do some work on his phone (takes pictures of his sleepy face because he's cute)

-Can't help but sneak a few cookies when Samuel's not looking, resulting in quite a few "I know you're trying to sneak a cookie George." from him

-Holds Samuel yarn and makes sure it doesn't tangle while Samuel works on the hats he constantly is making, loves the face he makes when he concentrates.

-tried to learn to crochet once, but kept dropping stitches and decided to leave the crocheting to Samuel

-Is always happy to help with the soup kitchen, because of how happy it makes Samuel to be doing it.


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