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George stared at Samuel lovingly. His eyes were practically hearts. George King was clever and often emotionless. When he was with Samuel, on the other hand, he was a romantic fool. People in his office teased him about it, but Samuel usually sent them such a glare that they wouldn't make fun of George for a month. It was Thanksgiving day, and Samuel fluttered around the kitchen, checking the turkey, stirring the gravy and such. George had asked several times if he could help but had been denied. He did, however, take the liberty of setting the table and straightening up the living room. the doorbell rang. Samuel's face brightened. He threw down the dishtowel he had in his hand and ran to the door. George followed, lightly amused by his husband's childlike excitement. He threw the door open to see His sisters, Mary, Charity, Chloe, and Diana. His father stood behind them, smiling at the excitement in his children's eyes. Samuel was tackled by all four of his sisters hugging him at once. He laughed and squeezed them back.

"Oh my goodness! I haven't seen you in ages-look at you Dianna! You died your hair! charity You got your ears pierced? Mary, oh my-- is that a new tattoo? Chloe-You's not hiding our freckles anymore!' he said quickly. The sisters offered responses at once.

George had always admired the Seabury's work ethic and ability to understand almost anything.  Samuel was a pediatrician at the biggest hospital at Saint Judes, where he often came home sad because he actually loved children. He absolutely hated seeing them in pain or sick.

Mary Seabury was an architect and had actually designed the most prestigious buildings all over the world, along with the world trade bank in London. She resided in a penthouse in London, a building of her own design, in which each floor was different. There were French themes along with Indian, Arabic, and Italian. She lived on the Italian floor trying to connect with her roots. NOt 'roots' per se, seeing as the entire family immigrated from Italy when she was five.

Chloe Seabury was a fashion designer. She was a bit eccentric, constantly covered in tattoos, fabric scraps, and somehow always failed to notice the measuring tape around her neck. HEr designer clothing sold for low and high prices at different stores, ranging from Dillards to Bloomingdales. She constantly gave out scholarships and trips to her younger fans and had taken on several apprentices. Her style was mainly 'simple and sweet' as she called it, with floral patterns on dresses and simple colors. She also made costumes for many Broadway shows.

Diana Seabury was a detective for NYPD and a damn good one. Give her two details about a case and she could find the date, time, scene, victims, suspects and killers. She often was the one who could always figure out the criminal in Clue, by the way, people held their cards and the way anybody shifted in their seats. She could also convince you that the sky was green in twenty minutes, which enhanced her interrogation skills. Diana graduated top of her classes in criminology, forensic sciences, and the academy. She knew more than most of the people in the station. Sadly, she was often underestimated.

Charity Seabury was kind and loving. Her name fit her, seeing as that was almost all she did.  Every day (except Fridays), after school, she headed straight down to the animal shelter to walk dogs, feed cats, and bathe various other animals. She often came home with a few scratches on her arms. Fridays, she was in student council, as the official vice president. although she practically did everybody's job for them. She raised money for various sports and clubs, had saved the art program two years ago,  and helped more people out of dark places than the school counselor. She was always wearing pastel clothes and got extremely angry at anybody if they hurt anyone's feelings. She had the best grades in the school and was expected to make valedictorian. She already had a full-ride scholarship to New York University in Psychology. 

The seabury's were quite the family, if you couldn't tell.

George watched their father stepped over them, smiling.

"How're you, George? I heard you've got a new job?" George nodded.

"Starting a company with Washington. Law has always intrigued me. Prosecution, divorce settlements, we handle it all. We've already got over fifty separate clients." Samuel's father grinned.

"That's great. How's Samuel been doing? I would ask myself but seeing as he's currently... occupied" He said, gesturing to the five people sitting on the rug.

"Great. He's in line for the best pediatrician award at the medical convention next month." Samuel father crossed his arms.

"The Seabury's are a smart family." George nodded.

"I've got a  bottle of scotch in the dining room." He whispered.

"Sounds great." they ventured into the dining room. Samuel was left with his sisters.

"He asked me if I knew how to fire my gun"Samuel, looked at Diana, shocked.

"You're kidding"

"No! I graduated top of my class and he asked me if I knew how to set off a firearm." Samuel sighed and shook his head. He stood up.

" I have to go check the food. George is in the living room with dad. go socialize." He shooed them off and went back to the kitchen. The girls scurried into the living room and took various places surrounding George, their father the last piece to the circle. George recognized the circle.  He sighed. Every year. They surrounded him and interrogated him about treating Samuel right.

"So, what questions do you have for me this year?" Chloe cleared her throat.

"it has come to our attention that you are starting a business. When do you go and come from work?"

"Nine in the morning to five, and usually stop by the hospital to say hi on lunch and before I get home. I'm home before he is." he deadpanned, sipping his whiskey. It was mary's time to speak.

"How often do you drink?"

"Special Occasions, so maybe once or twice per month." He answered curtly. they glanced at each other.

"Are we done here? I have a feeling Samuel is about twenty seconds from burning himself on something." George deadpanned, standing up. The circle didn't break. Chloe looked at him suspiciously.

"Are you planning on getting a pet?" She asked. George smirked a little. Chloe was only seventeen, which let her ask juvenile questions such as that.

"We're looking at corgis" 


George collapsed on the bed after Samuel's family had left, and the two had packed away all the leftovers, which wasn't many. Along with being smart and virtually unbreakable, Samuel's sisters had bigger appetites than Samuel, George, and Samuel's father combined. George had been in disbelief when they discovered that only four containers were needed to contain the leftovers.

"Your family doesn't trust me, you know," Georg said bitterly. Samuel smiled at his husband and crawled into bed next to him. george put a protective arm around him, holding him tightly. If he couldn't feel his arm in the morning, so be it.

"They trust you. Their just protective is all." they were silent for a moment. George slowly petted Samuel's cheek with the pads of his fingers, closing his eyes.

"Georgie, there is something I'm thankful for that i didn't say at the table" George cracked open an eye and looked at Samuel. His eyes were practically hearts as he smiled softly. George loved that smile.

"What?" he replied. He was prepared for something silly or stupid. Samuel liked to joke around with him, even when George didn't have the energy to do so.

"I'm thankful they didn't scare you away."

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 1300 words!

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