Cops AU!

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The car stopped and Samuel opened the door, hand on his gun protectively. George followed, doing the same. They approached the house as shouts and screams came from inside. Samuel glanced at George worriedly. He nodded. They climbed the porch steps and pounded on the door.

"NYPD" Samuel called through the door. There were more shouts.

"YOU CALLED THE FUCKING POLICE?" A woman's voice answered.

"James I swear to god I didn't!" Samuel pounded on the door again.

"Open up!" Samuel shouted. He looked t George as more and more shouts came from inside. He grabbed his gun, nodded at his partner and threw his shoulder against the door, making it burst open. A tall man in a brimmed hat stood, grabbing a woman with bruises and curly hair by the collar. Samuel looked at him calmly.

"Sir put her down." He said, keeping a hand extended to George, signaling him to stay back. The man only flared and tightened his grip on her collar.

"I'm going to ask you again. Put. Her. Down." The man laughed.

"What're you gonna do? Shoot me? A big bad black guy beating up his wife gets shot by a white cop. What a story" Samuel didn't falter.

"Sir, I'm not going to hurt you or your wife if you just let her go." He replied, making eye contact with the woman, giving her a reassuring glance.  The man laughed and pulled her closer, pulling a gun from what seemed like nowhere, but where Samuel assumed was his pocket. He pulled her to him, pointing the gun at his head. samuel stared him directly in the eye, aiming for the small bit of unprotected chest where the woman was squirming away. Samuel was a dead-on shot, and he knew he could get the suspect without even grazing the woman he held against his body, but this guy had a gun, and he could pull the trigger when he was shot, out of shock. He didn't break eye contact as he heard George radio for backup. He had one shot to injure this guy, or at least get the guns out of his hands.

" Put. the gun. down. Now." He demanded coolly. The man only laughed.

"Or what bitch? You gone shoot me? oh, you got another thing coming." The man spat. Samuel huffed and raised his gun to the spot, only to hear a piercing bang and feel a splitting pain in his side. He cursed under his breath, stepping back a little. he knew that the upper quadrant was damaging at best. but if left untreated for long enough, it could be fatal.

"Put. Her. down," he grunted, clenching his teeth. he could hear George radioing for an ambulance. Two, actually.  the man didn't comply, only laughed.

"you gonna shoot me? you ain't got the balls!"

"Sir put the gun down, we can both get out of this with our lives," he said, not entirely sure he would make it out with his own, the way his side was panging.

 He raised his gun again and saw the evil grin on the man's face falter. He pulled the trigger. The man fell, letting the woman go and Dropping to the floor. Samuel ran over and helped up the woman, letting her lean heavily on him. they hurried out the door, George going back in and carrying the man out fireman's style. Samuel sat the woman down on the porch, leaning against the railing and grabbing his side, finally acknowledging the wound to his rib cage. He drew his hand away and found it shining with blood and winced. George came running back onto the porch.

"Samuel! oh my god, you're bleeding!" George moved his arm away and led him down the steps.

"No fucking shit I'm bleeding i just got shot, or grazed, to say the least." He spat. HIs world suddenly starting spinning, and he gripped onto George for support. It all went black.


Samuel looked around the room, seeing his peers smiling reassuringly and people glaring at him, the people against him. He shifted uncomfortably. 

"Today's conference is about whether  Officer Samuel Seabury was correct in his actions to shoot and kill James Reynolds, or not. Opposing, you may proceed." A tall man with pitch-black eyes, dark curly hair and a lean stature stood up, putting his hands behind his back.

"The day that the incident was recorded, Samuel Seabury was called out on a domestic violence claim and brought out his gun regardless. Why? he knew that this was an all-black neighboorhood. and his prejudice showed a bullet to James Reynolds side." Washington looked at the man.

"Mr.Adams, bringing a gun out for a domestic violence call is the procedure. Officer Seabury was only doing what was in his best judgment." He said calmly. Adams didn't falter.

"I'd like to hear Officer Seabury's side of it to why he shot him." Washington looked over at Samuel who nodded and stood up, walking to the podium where they had been talking.

"I would like to make one thing clear before I start talking: I did not want to kill James Reynolds. I  deeply regret killing him as I do with any criminal i have to even injure. I repeatedly asked him to let go of his wife, and put the gun he was holding to her head down. He proceeded to shoot me in the left side of my chest and then pointed the gun back to his wife. I had no other choice." he said, blinking away tears. he hated talking about how he'd basically murdered someone. The crowd apposing went silent, but Adams didn't relent.

"Why did you not have another choice? Couldn't you have tazed or pepper sprayed him?" Samuel looked at him, blinking in surprise.

"I would have hit his wife if I had attempted either, and she was in bad enough condition"

"So something that placed right could be fatal was your best course of action?" Samuel took a breath.

"I'm afraid so." Adams frowned, a bit of smugness tinging his eyes.

"You could have hit his wife then, couldn't you?" Samuel blinked again.

"While it was a possibility, The woman in question didn't cover the majority of him, being nearly two feet smaller than him all around. If I had hit her, it would have most likely been in the arm, or another extremity that while still extremely painful, would not be fatal." Samuel concluded. Adam's eyes darkened with stormy clouds. Suddenly, he had Samuel by the collar, screaming in his face.

"YOU ARE A RACIST PIECE OF SHIT THAT SHOULDN'T BE A COP! JAMES REYNOLDS WAS INNOCENT, AND YOU SHOT HIM" Samuel kept his face calm holding up a hand to the officers near him. He moved his arm upwards,  and in less than two seconds had the man pinned to the ground, face to the floor. He released him and stepped away, looking him dead in the eye.

"I am a cop, Mr.Adams. It is my job to protect and serve, and as long as a suspect is physically threatening me, another officer, or a citizen, I will use what is necessary. He shot me first, and I didn't want to kill him, but I had no choice. Do you understand?" The man scrambled to his feet, the people against him silent. 

"y-yes sir." Samuel nodded and turned to washington.

"I believe this conference is over."

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