that mpreg thing.

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George and Samuel were very much in love. There was no doubt about it, for god's sakes, they were always touching if they could be. They had been married about four years and expecting. Samuel wasn't allowed to leave the house, or even move around very much, for fear of a miscarriage. They'd been trying for a year, without much luck, and here they were. Luckily, Samuel was an artist, and he didn't have to stop his work, although he had to be selective about what projects he could take on. He was currently working on a still-life for an office building, smeared graphite and charcoal on his face, hands and exposed forearms. He would have had it done if he didn't have to shift around his stomach. He was carrying lightly, his small form not being able to carry very much, and he could conceal it with a bigger sweatshirt, otherwise, it looked like his stomach was sticking out with some extra weight. He was often insecure about it, even though George and him really only went out for groceries and dates some nights. He heard the door click and smiled to himself as he finished the one troubling line he had been working on.

"Sammy?" George called.

"In here!" He replied. George walked into the room, his eyes lightening when he saw the smaller man sitting at his desk, drawing tablet in front of him, and a mug next to him.

"So, What're you working on?" Samuel felt a kiss be administered on his head.

"Still-life for that office building. I'm almost finished, all I've got to do is add the ground line and I'll be good." He said warmly. George grinned.

"Wonderful. Your talents never seem to amaze me." Samuel laughed, a light blush decorating his face.

"Oh shut up!" He exclaimed, poking him in the ribs. 

"Well, you are one of the bests artists in London, my dear." Samuel rolled his eyes and felt a jab in his stomach. he placed a hand where it was and winced. George's eyebrows furrowed.

"what's wrong?" Samuel looked up, smiling warmly.

"Oh, nothing. she's just been kicking at me all day." George's eyes brightened. Samuel smiled, forgetting that he still found amazement at his daughter's movement.

"Can I feel?" he said excitedly. Samuel laughed a little and nodded. he took George's hand and guided it towards the spot. George looked up at him excitedly, feeling little jabs at his hand. He picked Samuel up bridal style and swung around.

"put me down!" Samuel exclaimed.

"I think not! you are pregnant and fragile and for the rest of the time you remain so, you will not lift a finger." Samuel laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Well, I can walk, so I'd advise you to set me down before you find yourself sleeping on the couch tonight." He teased. George sighed.

"Fine." he set his husband down and smiled warmly.

"Am I going to sleep on the couch?" he asked nervously. samuel giggled and squeezed George tightly.

"Of course not."

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