"Merry Christmas"

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George stepped into the bar and looked around. Christmas Day, seven o'clock, and he was at a bar with his friends. He would have preferred to be with his mother, but she didn't want him home that year, as his extremely homophobic aunt and uncle were coming. It was more for his safety than their comfort.

As soon as he entered, he started to observe. Of course, Alexander, Lafayette, Thomas, James, John, and Hercules has taken him to a gay bar. He glanced around, seeing a mostly male population, the only females in the establishment already with their respective girlfriends. Soft piano music played in the background, and as he turned around, he spotted a small man come onto the stage.

The world seemed to slow to a stop as George stared at the short man. The man had large round glasses, magnifying bright and dancing eyes. One was green, the other was dark brown. His lips were pink, and his cheeks were rosy, heavily littered with dark freckles. George's eyes swept over his body, allowing him to survey the small man more. He was wearing a midnight blue cable-knit sweater, black jeans, and converse. He had fake nails that were painted crimson, small golden dots on top of the color, and what looked like fur trim painted on them. They were about a quarter of an inch past his fingertips and looked professionally painted and done.

A light blush spread across his face as the man adjusted the microphone and smiled at the crowd.

"Good evening everybody!" The crowd cheered. George noticed a slight Accent he couldn't quite place. It sounded American, but his language and his basic way of speaking made George think of his mother slightly.

"My names Samuel, I'll be singing for you tonight. I think I'll go ahead and start with... " He smiled wickedly. "All I want for Christmas" Samuel. Samuel was his name. George couldn't help but keep staring.

Thomas punched his shoulder, laughing as Samuel started to sing. George winced.

"Somebody's got a cruuuuuussh" he crooned. George rolled his eyes and looked back to Samuel, who was singing in a voice fit for an angel.

"'Spose I do. What do you want to do with it?" Thomas laughed at the blonde man's annoyance with the comment.

"I'm gonna offer you some advice, from the world's biggest dating expert." George huffed a laugh, still not looking at the southern man. "Buy him a drink, and be confident. He ain't gone be shy. Performer types, they are usually confident. Some of 'em are different onstage. Can't seem to read this one." George rolled his eyes.

"Thanks, dating expert. Go fuck James or something. I'll get this myself." He scoffed Thomas laughed and walked away.

After a few songs, Samuel bid the crowd goodbye and hopped offstage. George watched in a daze as Samuel walked over to the bar and smiled at the bartender.

"Gin and tonic," he said airily. George walked up behind him and slid five dollars over the counter.

"I've got it." He purred. Samuel took a sip of the drink with a flat face before looking up at the man who bought him the drink.

"Look, I'm sure you're nice, but I'm not really..." he looked up a lot George and trailed off. He stared at the taller man. Blue eyes, platinum blonde hair, sharp cheekbones, and a dark red collared shirt.

His lips curled into a mischevious smirk as he leaned on the bar.

"Damn, I guess got a good one this time." Samuel looked George up and down, licking his lips slightly. George smiled a little.

"Guess you did." He responded cheekily. Samuel blinked and stood up, getting a little closer to the taller man.

"And that accent." He purred. George rolled his eyes. He got that comment from every single person he dated. Samuel put his drink down and wrapped his arms around George's neck.

"So, we can dance, grab some food, and maybe exchange numbers?" He purred. George grinned.

"Only if you let me take you to dinner on Saturday at eight." Samuel feigned a thinking face and nodded.

"Sounds like a plan. Merry Christmas." He pressed his lips to George's, geiorge kissing back almost immaeadietly. He pulled back and looked down at the singer.

"Merry christmas"

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