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Samuel sat in his chair, turning the page in his book, going along with the steady rhythm in which he turned one at the usual rate. He was waiting for George to come down and meet him so they could spend the afternoon together. Miraculously, things were starting to calm down after the war, so George finally had an afternoon off, and a full day wasn't too far off. He was finishing up with a board meeting, then he would meet his husband here, and they would be together for more than twenty minutes. The door burst open, and he jumped a little as George stormed in, his face almost as red as his clothing. Samuel smiled kindly at him, tucking his bookmark into the pages and setting it on the side table. George turned and saw Samuel sitting there, looking mildly amused, his eyes softening significantly. Samuel patted the side of the chair next to him. George sat down and laid his head on Samuels lap. The smaller man removed the powdered wig and cap, setting them carefully on the table with his book, letting George's wavy blonde hair poof out. He noticed George had kicked off his shoes.

"Now, What's got you all riled up?" He said softly.  George huffed. Samuel stroked his hair gently.

"There was a fist fight during the meeting. I had to break it up, which I normally wouldn't mind between servants or my cousins, but for goodness sakes, they are supposed to be ambassadors! I shouldn't have to scream at them." He sighed heavily afterward. Samuel smiled softly, shaping his husband's soft hair into its common shape. He frowned sympathetically.

"That's horrible. I think I'd better have a word with them." He said airily. George laughed.

"If you have a word with them they won't show their faces again" He laughed. Samuel blushed lightly at the comment. He was known to be a little protective, and pretty strict when it came to adults acting inappropriately. He just couldn't stand it. It was the opposite with children, especially George's younger cousins. He always let the girls make attempts at a braid in his hair, although it usually resulted in his extremely wavy hair becoming frizzy, while George got into older clothes and wrestled with the boys. They dreamed of their own children someday, though they wanted to wait until this entire war thing had died down. Samuel stroked his husband's hair softly and looked down at him.

"You know I love you, right?" George said after a moment of silence. Samuel blushed a little.

"I do. I love you too. I've missed you though" George looked up at him quizzically.

"I've been here the whole time you know."

"Yes but when was the last time I remember talking to you like this?" George pondered a moment.

"I've missed you too." He said, laughing slightly. Samuel smiled and kissed him sweetly.

and all was well.

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