Boxer AU

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"You're going to go out there and win. Got it?" George said in deep seriousness. Samuel rolled his eyes as he walked steadily down the hallway. Each match, he got the same pep talk  

"George, you say that to me every time I go in for a fight." Samuel said in an equal amount of sarcasm. George sighed as they stopped. A long car with a few people on it went down the crossing hallway.

"And you've gone undefeated this entire season! Just one more match, and you'll be the only fighter in Italy to go an entire season without a loss!" Samuel smiled slightly at his husbands encouragement. He knew the fact and pecked the taller man's cheek, knowing he was rambling because he was nervous

"I know you're nervous Georgie, but believe me, I'll be fine. I'm a boxer." He turned to George and grinned mischievously. "I have to roll with the punches." George rolled his eyes and huffed a laugh, although the nervous look in his eyes intensified.They started to walk again, following the tech guy, along with a few security guards. The two always found security guards ironic, seeing as the entire profession was fighting.

Samuel had trained for months for this single match, picking up the most difficult boxers in Europe for a match or two. Every day, training, eating clean, training more. George had gotten to the point of worrying for his husbands safety, but that was diminished when Samuel hit the punching bag at the gym so hard it split. The announcer started talking about Alexander Hamilton as he walked into the arena and got into the ring.

"Representing Italy at a hundred and twenty-two pounds, we've got samuel seabury!" Samuel waved as people cheered. George kissed his cheek as samuel walked up, ducking under the ring and grinning, popping his mouthguard in. The bell rang.

Samuel circled around and observed his opponent. He was a bit taller than samuel, which meant his center of gravity was a tad higher up. That played to the italians advantage, meaning if he hit hard enough, he'd lose balance. He'd also read enough articles about the fighter to learn his best strategy to win the fight. He was precise, even in a profession that didn't really show the amount of planning it took. Samuel had a split second before Alexander swung his fist. Samuel ducked and nailed Alexander in the stomach, knocking the wind of it if his opponent. He bounced on his toes and held back a smile as he dodged another punch from the slightly dazed man. He heard the man's comrades in the corner shouting for him to lookalive, while his husband whooped fromhis corner

. So, he was quick and aggressive, as he'd observed. Samuel could dodge rather well and he started thinking of blows that would be the most effective. His two goals were knockout and time. The quicker the fight, the better. Alexander cut his fist into Samuels jaw, spcausing samuels lip to split and trickle with blood. He cracked his neck and started to bounce left to right as his strategy began to pan out.

He smiled, confusing Alexander. Another punch knocked Samuel in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Samuel was beyond certain there would be a deep bruise the next morning.

Alexander went in for another punch, but Samuel jumped out of the way, causing the bearded man to stumble. Samuel executed his plan then and there. A strike to the rib, cracking it, a blow to the jaw, dislocating, another blow to the ribs, cracking another and bruising two another strike on the jaw, breaking it. He thought he broke it, but he may have only dislocated it.

Another blow to the face, breaking the man's nose. Blood dripped onto the mat as Alexander fell onto his hands and knees, shaking until his body went slack. Samuel furrowed his eyebrows, ripping his gloves off and shaking the man softly. He was still breathing, but not very well. He waved the med team over and turned him onto his side as the referee talked to the med team. Samuels arm was tucked up into the air, the rest of his body along with it. His eyes were still on bloodied and bruised man next to him.

"Ladies and gentleman-IT'S A KNOCKOUT FOR SAMUEL SEABURY!" The announcers exclaimed. Samuel couldn't help but smile as the arena cheered for him. Samuel Turned to see Alexander being carried out on a stretcher.

"Is he going to be okay?" He exclaimed. The referee offered no answer, causing Samuel to worry a bit deeper. He couldn't help but worry as he celebrated his victory  

It was later, in a hospital that Alex after storred with a pained groan and an abundant amount of support around him.

"Alexander?" Alexander's eyes opened groggily, seeing the entire group of his friends crowded around the bed. He sat up a little and looked around.

"Did I win?" He asked hoarsely. Washington laughed a little. Of course, that was all he cared about.

"No son, he beat your ass into the ground." Alexander groaned in annoyance. How could he lose to the Italians?! They had the worst fighters in the world, and yet, he'd lost. Washington smiled sadly.

"Nothing's broken, except your nose, but your ribs are cracked and your jaw was dislocated, so it'll be awhile before you're fighting again." Alexander groaned loudly.

"How long?"

"Maybe two months. Depends on how fast we can get those ribs healed. Ah, in the meantime, Seabury wanted to see you." Washington said nervously. Alexander furrowed his eyebrows.

"He wants to see me? Why in the hell would he come here?" Alexander growled. Washington sighed as the rest of them started talking at once about how it was a bad idea.

"Guys! He's offered to pay the hospital bills!" Washington exclaimed. Everybody fell silent. They all knew that Alexander couldn't afford the hospital bills. And he wouldn't be able to afford physical therapy, so he might never be able to get back into the ring. Alexander sighed.

"Let him in." He said in exasperation. Washington stepped out fo the room, returning with Samuel Seabury in jeans, a t-shirt, a sweater and a Tupperware container of what looked like cookies. He had an apologetic look on his face.

"Hey" he said softly. Alexander grunge din response and sat up. Samuel walked over and set the Tupperware on a table across the room, opening it for the rest of the group and bringing one over to Alexander.

"Look- I'm sorry. I just..." he trailed off, not really knowing what he needed to apologize for.

"You were fighting, and you beat my ass. Good job man." Samuel laughed at the bearded man's comment.

"Thank you. Anyways, I'll be paying your hospital bills, but, is there anything you need from me otherwise?" Alexander grinned.


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