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When I say dad or father, I mean George, and when I say papa, I mean Samuel. just felt like I needed to clarify.

Charlotte rose king had Her Dad's eyes, his white-blonde hair, and her Papa's temper. She knew how she ended up sitting in the plastic chair outside the principal's office. She had let it get out of control again, and under no circumstance did she regret it. He brushed her hair back from her face and placed her read headband back behind her ears. she crossed her arms and glanced around the small office lobby. There was clear glass surrounding the room, showing whoever was in trouble out to the world. She knew that she would most likely get in trouble, by her principal or her parents. they were normally pretty chill when she got lunch detention for something minor, like forgetting her ID badge, or being late to class, but this was definitely gonna put her in the doghouse.

 The guy she had punched sat across the room from her, glaring. She scowled back with a 'you deserved it' expression. He glared more intensely, causing her to smirk smugly. She looked up to see her dads  Stepping into the office. she stood and looked Samuel straight in the eye. She did the same with George. Samuel's expression was deadpan as he walked over and pointed downwards. She sat down, as well as George. Samuel folded his hands in his lap and looked straight ahead at the other side of the war. Charlotte looked at her dad. He shrugged. The door opened. Samuel's vision went to the door, where the principal stood. He stood silently, his husband and daughter following. He smiled tightly at the woman and sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk. The other two at down as well.

"Mr. King, I'd like to speak to you about a fight that Charlotte got into. All I've heard from students and staff that she stood out of the blue and punched him. I'd like you to hear charlottes side of it." Samuel nodded and turned to his daughter. She took a breath and fiddled with the clasp on her necklace.

"Well, I was doing my work in class when i felt someone pull my bra strap. I turned and asked him to stop, but he did it again. I told the teacher, and he said to ignore him. I went back to my seat and he did it again, i told the teacher, getting the same answer as the first time. He did it a third time hard enough for the clasp to come undone. So, i punched him."  She said definitely. Samuel had stiffened, and George was glancing nervously at his husband. His eyes were dark. 

"he what?" he said quietly. His voice was dangerous, dripping with venom. He looked up at the principal, lips pulled back in a snarl.

"You're telling me, my daughter is in trouble because a boy sexually harassed her  and we are talking about a suspension." The principal's face fell slightly.

"M-mr.King, she punched a student!" Samuel raised an eyebrow.

"correction: She defended herself in what could have been a worse situation had she been alone with that boy." he shot back. The principal blushed and became flustered. charlotte looked at her father, scooting her chair to the side. Anger was bubbling in his eyes.

"do you have a reason to why my daughter was subjected to this, or are your staff completely incompetent?" he said dangerously. 

"W-well she- I- we" she stuttered. Samuel put up a hand to silence her.

"How long did you have in mind?" he said calmly. SHe collected herself and took a breath.

"A week. She nearly broke his nose and split his lip." Samuel stood up.

"If this is the behavior that will continue by the boys in this school, we are transferring," he said flatly. he snapped at his daughter and husband, signaling them to leave the office. They obeyed and followed. they made it to the parking lot before Samuel grinned.

"Sprained nose and spilled lip, huh? Sounds like you might have split your knuckles ." Charlotte nodded gingerly. Samuel took her hand and looked at the cuts on her hand. He tutted lightly, still smiling.

"Little bastard deserved it."

"you're not mad at me?" Samuel shook his head as they got in the car.

"Of course not. You did what we've always told you to do in case of such circumstances. While I expect a call from that boy's parents, they don't have anything on us. Now, let's get home." Charlotte smiled.

That worked out well.

Hey! Just wanted to let y'all know you are wonderful people! TAke care of yourselves, don't stay up all night reading fanfiction! Learn from my mistakes... 

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