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Samuel looked closely at the canvas he was working on, searching for some kind of mistake. Seeing none, he took out a few more paints and poured them on the palate he had in his hand, getting a new paintbrush from the cup near the canvas. He stretched and dabbed a little bit of the paint on an empty spot. he heard the door click, not turning around.

"How's it going?" Samuel didn't respond before putting his brush down.

"It's going. I have at least three more hours work on it. and the fact that the client wants it by Thursday evening makes me feel like taking a break but I know I'll lose my train of thought if I do." He sighed. George smiled and leaned against the doorway, watching his short finance work.

"Do you want to have dinner?" Samuel shook his head.

"I'm going to finish with the blue areas and then I'll take a break." George looked at his fiance sternly.

" Sammy, do you remember the last time?"

"I fell asleep on the subway. It happens to everybody"

"Uh, correction, you passed out from exhaustion and i had to carry you home," George said sarcastically. Samuel looked over at him and waved the paintbrush around airily.

"I'll be fine Georgie, besides i only have maybe two more spaces to fill before I can stop." George sighed.

"Fine, but if I come back and see you not finished in twenty minutes I'm dragging you to the kitchen to eat."



Samuel burst into the apartment, a look of complete and utter rage on his face. George walked over cautiously.

"What's wrong?" Samuel put his bag on the hook near the door angrily, hanging up his scarf.

"They. didn't. like. it" Samuel said flatly. George looked at him, wondering if he had heard him correctly.


"They said that the flowers i painted weren't the flowers they wanted! I showed them the picture I used for reference because they asked for orchids, but they went to the back of the room, pulled out a book from the shelf, and turned to the page with the flower, I asked where they got the book and they said, Puerto Rico. Where on earth am I supposed to get a book that was published in 1902 that is only sold in Puerto Rico!" he said angrily. He walked to the couch an flopped face-first downwards onto the pillows, sighing heavily. George chuckled and sat beside his fiance.

"That sucks"

"yeah, no shit" Samuel grumbled. george blinked. Samuel almost never cussed.

"You really are angry aren't you?"

"Yeah," George smiled and lifted Samuel into his lap, laying back against the couch.



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