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"Come on Sam! He treats you like you're some kind of toy! You're like a housewife!" Angelica exclaimed, Peggy and Eliza, nodding in agreement. Samuel shook his head, a slight grin coming across his face.

"Angelica, I'd like you to know that I am rather happy with the way my husband treats me." He replied, reaching and successfully grabbing the mug off the top shelf, after climbing on the counter that is. He poured coffee and tea into the mugs, along with hot cocoa for Peggy. angelica flailed her hands around, exasperated.

"Sam, he leaves you home alone all day, comes home, and then goes to bed! That isn't healthy, an I'm positive that you want to change something." Samuel sighed and sat down. George and he had a definite reason for him to stay home, but he didn't want to tell anybody yet.

"Angelica, I know how strongly you feel on the subject, but that's not what happens. George and I are together for longer than he is at work. I wish you'd leave it be." Samuel said pointedly, blowing on the steaming liquid in his mug. angelica sat back, resigned, but it was Eliza's turn to speak up.

"Samuel, we know you like the way George treats you but is it the best for you?" she said, eyebrows furrowing. Samuel raised an eyebrow.

"what do you mean?" he said suspiciously. Eliza winced a little, starting to withdraw before she took a breath.

"Well we've been noticing a lot of bruises and scabs on you lately... and you get skittish in public, especially around George. is he... hurting you, Sam?" She said quietly. Samuel blinked.

"You think that's what's going on here? Oh god, no-George would never hit me. poor thing stepped on my toe and apologized like he had ruined my life. No. Look, I'm going to tell you something, and you are not allowed to tell anybody else. Understand?" They all nodded. Samuel set his mug down and interlaced his fingers.

"I have a condition called Thrombocytopenia, which is essentially a low platelet count. It means my blood doesn't clot as other peoples blood does, so its dangerous for me to get even a paper cut. I bruise easily because of the fact my blood doesn't clot. Something as trivial as hitting it lightly on the doorframe can cause bruises for me. George and I determined when we got married it was just the safest option. I also have anemia, which leaves me exhausted all the time.  It's just something I deal with." He said flatly. They all rushed up and hugged him

"I'm so sorry! I never meant to accuse George of anything! We were so worried!" Samuel laughed and patted one of their arms, he wasn't sure which.

"It's alright. Your hearts were in the right place. I'm sure he'll laugh about it."

"I hope so."

Hey! sorry, I haven't updated in a while I've been busy! SO I've got a definite plotline for my soulmate AU done. It'll probs be out in a month or two, IDK. Okay, Bye! 

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