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Samuel really didn't drink often, considering he took alcohol very poorly. Sure, he did enjoy the occasional glass of wine, but he didn't drink more than half a glass at a time. But he would get as drunk as people needed him to. This resulted in him getting extremely drunk after two glasses of wine. Tonight especially. What Samuel didn't know was that among George's friends, there had been a competition to see who could get him the drunkest. It was rather hard but quite entertaining. george knew about it and stuck with Samuel, making sure he was never alone with any of his friends. You would be surprised at how devious dukes and dutchesses could be. 

Tonight, however, George had made the mistake of leaving Samuel alone while he resolved an issue between a taller man and a squat woman.

"Come on Samuel! This wine is simply magnificent! You'll love it" The dutchess of whales said brightly. Samuel smiled and shook his head.

"You really don't want to see me drunk, believe me," He said dismissively. She rolled her eyes as a few people in the group laughed. 

"Yeah, I don't want to see the goody-two-shoes of London drunk. What're you going to do, organize my closet?" She laughed. Samuel laughed as well.

"Do people really call me that?" He said,  looking at her. She shook her head, brown curls bouncing gracefully around her shoulders.

"Of course not. It wouldn't matter if they did though. They used to call poor princess Victoria 'the Buckingham bitch'" Samuel stifled a laugh at the thought of George's mother finding out what people called her.

"But honestly, this wine, you really should try it." She said, mischief glinting in her eye. Samuel sighed.

"Oh fine. If you're just going to keep nagging me about it," he said. She perked up and flagged down a waiter that was walking around with the chosen wine of the night. She handed the glass to Samuel and turned to her husband

"Oh, this will be fun!"


George could not believe that he let Samuel alone with those idiots.  They had somehow talked him into consuming about four glasses of wine, which would have made even him a little tipsy. But due to Samuel's poor tolerance for alcohol, he was completely drunk. George glanced down at him as he walked down to their bedroom. Samuel was staring up at him, eyes a little closed. 

"What're you staring at love," George said jokingly. samuel giggled.

"just at my wonderful fiance who I love very much," He said, British accent becoming a little more prominent as he slurred a tiny bit. George laughed.

"I can't leave you alone anywhere can I?"

"Everywhere except with your *hic* friends. They kept telling me to drink, and i thought you wanted me too so I did" George looked down at Samuel, wondering what on earth he was getting at.

"Well, it's true. they kept saying 'have another glass, it's good isn't it' I think it's some kind of challenge to get me drunk" He said, punctuating the statement with a curt hiccup. George pushed the door open with his back and laid Samuel down on the bed gently, turning to get into his pajamas.

"georgieeeee" Samuel whined, stretching his arms out. George turned around.


"Come and lay with me. It's cold" He said childishly. George sighed and kicked off his shoes before climbing into bed and pulling Samuel to his chest.



"I love you"

"I love you too Sammy."

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