That stupid cat

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George glared at the furry beast that laid in Samuels Lap across the room. That stupid animal had shown up on their doorstep one day, and Samuel had immediately fallen in love with it. George despised it. It didn't like him being around Samuel and would hiss and spit if he even attempted to snuggle with his fiancee. The cat narrowed its eyes at George as its pupils shrank to thin lines in its miss-matching eyes. One green, one blue. It was also missing a chunk of its tail, but Samuel loved it. 

"whats wrong?" Samuel asked, noticing George looked in distaste at him. or his lap...?

"That thing doesn't like me being around you, and I don't like that. You're mine" Samuel laughed and scratched the cat behind her ears.

"She has a name darling" George rolled his eyes.

"What, bagel? I don't think that represents her at all." He said, frowning. He started gathering up his work things. Samuel looked at him.

"What name do you think suits her?"


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later that night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Samuel looked across the room at George, who was furiously typing away at his computer. He sighed audibly and sat up in bed, glancing at the clock. He stood up and leaned his chin on George's shoulder.

"Georgie, come to bed. It's freezing in here, and you said you'd be in bed by eleven-thirty and its half past midnight." George kissed Samuels nose.

"As appealing as that sounds darling, that stupid cat won't let me on the bed." Samuel sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine then. Have it your way." He said flatly. George knew Samuel was going to be upset. He hated it when he worked late, and he didn't like it when he didn't go to bed at a reasonable hour. George closed his laptop and went over to the bed where Samuel was delicately stroking the ball of fur on his left side.  George climbed into his side of the bed and pulled Samuel to himself so he was facing his chest. The cat hissed and batted at Georges' shoulder as Samuel giggled, nuzzling into his Fiance's chest. George rolled his eyes and pushed the cat away.

"Oh get over yourself you little gremlin." Samuel laughed harder as the cat tried pulling his shirt to get him away from Samuel. Samuel sat up and stroked the cat's head, who walked behind Samuel and glared at George. It laid down against the small of Samuel's back and purred softly.

and all was well. 

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