ya girl got tagged

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Tagged by: awfarmer

Taken or single?

Taken! (finally)


I'm straight

how tall are you?

Uuuuh like 5'4 IDK i haven't measured in a while

Failed a class:

Well, i got an F once but i got it up to an A by the end of the semester (which is about two quarters)

Kissed a boy:

not yet results pending

kissed a girl:

Well, platonically I mean, it was my cousin, on the cheek, because we were in a play together and I was the dude.

Had a job:

I absit freelance and do childcare for a CrossFit gym.

Left the house without my wallet:

Yep. several times

Bullied someone on the internet:

Never have, never will. I know how it feels

Favorite color:

sapphire blue/ pastel pink

did drugs:


wore sweats outside:

when i wear sweats i don't leave my house

smoked cigarettes:

The smoke makes me cough, i hate the smell, so no

smoked cigars: 

they don't make me cough, i just don't like the small, again.

Drank alcohol:

Hate the smell. my Freinds say I'd have a bad tolerance for it anyway.

been to a wedding:

Yep, my aunts. I was a bridesmaid

been on the computer for five hours straight:

For a research paper a while back

watched TV for five hours straight:

Hell yeah! Sherlock binge!

Been late for school:

Yep, didn't even stay the whole day, cause i got sick

Kissed in the rain:


been cheated on: 


Been outside my home country:

Yep, I've gone to London and Paris!

Gone on a road trip more than 5 hours:

Drove from Maryland to New Mexico once. that's about thirty hours.

did something i regret:

got rectangle baby blue glasses in sixth grade.

gotten heartbroken:


Had/have a crush on a friend:

I did, now we're dating.

Been to a professional sports game:

...does NASCAR count

broken a bone: 


been unhappy about my weight:

Well, yeah. I weigh less than a hundred pounds because of my high metabolism, resulting in my being underweight. I also don't love to eat, especially breakfast or lunch, so I often only eat dinner and a small snack after school. it's not healthy, and i can't lay on my stomach for very long because my hips jut out from my body and start to hurt from the pressure. I've got a deficiency in several vitamins and have to take vitamins and pills every day. People constantly ask for weight loss tips, because it was about a year ago that I started not eating breakfast or lunch very often. I don't tell them because it's unhealthy. I don't believe I'm fat, i just don't love to eat. I also eat a ton when im on my period, so I think it kind of balances it out, with the blood loss and all that. I love to bake and eat a lot of brownies and cookies and all that. Don't take my word for it.

Won a trophy/ribbon:

Baking contest!

I don't know who to tag since @awfarmer is my only friend on here.

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