New Years!!

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"Samuel, I'm really fucking nervous." George muttered. Samuel rolled his eyes and adjusted his husbands cravat, making sure the garment was in the correct place.

"Why is that?" He asked, ignoring the fact his husband had just cursed. George sighed and put his head in his hands. Samuel chuckled at his husbands dramatics. Yet again, George had yet again started to overthink everything. It was the annual New Years ball he'd held since he was nineteen, with quite a large guest list, except this year was the first New Years they were a married couple. The guest list had stayed the same over the last few years, but added a few children that had been born over the years, and quite a few of the guests weren't too fond of the marriage between the two.

He was nervous this year in particular because everyone who was invited, had RSVPed in agreement to the party. Every year, it here we're at least five or six out of the hundred invited that decided not to come, had made other plans, or had to cancel last minute due to some random illness. But not this year. No one had canceled, and no one had said they couldn't come. He tried to read it as a positive, but he'd always been cynical. He felt a hand pull his hands from his face and pull his chin up.

"Do you remember what you told me before our wedding?" Samuel asked. George shook his head. Samuel smiled. "'Other people's opinions don't matter, because it won't stop me from loving you'" George looked at him curiously. It sounded familiar, but he wasn't completely sure he'd said that to Samuel before the wedding.

"You're right. I shouldn't be worried" Samuel grinned and got up, going over to the vanity and putting in his mascara and rouge.

"Oh you should be worried. You could get taken off the throne by popular vote, we could get mobbed, even killed should we say something wrong!" He said airily. He looked in the mirror at George's face, which had drained of all color at the thought. Samuel grinned a little wider, screwing the tube of mascara shut. "Just kidding"

"That's really not funny." George glared at him, although fondness still dotted his pupils. Samuel rolled his eyes and turned around, poking a finger into George's chest.

"You sir, are the biggest hypocrite I've ever met." George smirked.

"I suppose. Forgive me for my ways" he responded cheekily. Samuel chuckled and went back to the vanity, dusting the soft pink powder onto his cheeks. George came up behind him and leaned his head on Samuels shoulder, doing a dramatic pout.

"Why do you wear that stuff? You don't look like my Sammy." Samuel rolled his eyes.

"It's fashion George, and it wouldn't kill you to get with the times. You look like a ghost" He responded, blatantly not looking at his husband.

"Better than looking like a strawberry" Samuel scowled playfully and smacked George in the nose with his brush, causing the king to go pink in the nose and sneeze. Samuel giggled at the kings expression. George grinned and pulled Samuel back, shoving him to the bed and crawling on top of him. He started poking at Samuels sides, causing the smaller to giggle, being extremely ticklish. George also nuzzled into Samuels neck, making the smaller laugh harder as he pushed georges chest.

"G-Georgie! Get o-off-f!" He said through giggles. George grinned and stopped, sitting next to Samuel and looking at these smaller, who was extremely red-faced.

"See, you don't need all that. I can make you blush hard enough it'll last all night" George flirted.

"Alright, Princey. Let's get it off your nose first, then we'll see if you can pull it off" he shot back.

After they had successfully rid George of the pinkish powder and put on their coats, the two walked hand in hand to the ballroom. The doors opened, and the entire ballroom turned to them, some in disgust, other in warm intentions pleasantry, while several others went back to their conversations almost immediately. Samuel squeezed George's hand and nodded reassuringly.

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