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"Sammy, pleeeease!" George whined. Samuel rolled his eyes. 

"George, I don't want to." George leaned his chin on the shorter man's shoulder. Samuel smiled softly.

"Come on! I'll watch that me before you movie with you!" Samuel paused cutting tomatoes to consider it. He thought he could probably get in the water. He was fine with swimming pools, so the ocean shouldn't be that bad. Right?

"Okay, but we can't go that far in." George jumped up triumphantly.

"Yes!  You are never going to be afraid of the water after this!" Samuel chuckled uneasily. He sure hoped so.

The next day

George took Samuels hand and led him towards the water happily. Samuel stopped and rubbed his arms.

"Georgie, I'm really not sure I want to do this." HE said uneasily. george grinned brightly.

"Sammy, I promise you'll have fun!" Samuel looked toward the water and shivered. George's gaze softened. He took Samuel's other hand and smiled a little less enthusiastically, more kind-looking.

"Hey, we'll take it slow, okay? I'm not going to push you. I promise" Samuel nodded. THey headed out to the water, and Samuel clung to George's arm tightly. He blushed a little as he saw children staring at them.  He was about waist-deep when they stopped. He looked up at George, who was smiling at him.

"is this okay?" Samuel nodded and took a few deep shaky breaths, trying to push the memories out of his head. George wrapped an arm around his waist, bringing him back to reality.

"Can we go a bit farther?" he said gently. Samuel nodded.

"if it gets too deep, tell me, okay Sammy?" Samuel nodded and gripped onto George as the water reached his chest. He squeezed his eye shut and George stopped. He heard his name be called, but all he could feel was his father's hands pressing him down into the water, and the salt stinging his eyes. Sobs wracked his body as George scooped him up bridal style and took him back to the blanket. He pulled him into his lap and kissed his head.

"You're alright Sammy. What's going on in your head?" he said softly. the question always seemed to help with his breakdowns.

"my father... he pushed me under the water.. it hurt my eyes and my chest..." Samuel said. George pulled him tightly close. Samuel's mind cleared a little, enough to register where he was. He leaned into George and let his brown-sugar scent envelop him. A little later they got up and walked to the hotel room.  George pulled Samuel to his chest again and laid on the couch, covering them with a blanket that resided on the back of the couch. Samuel drifted off to sleep, exhausted from crying, and the adrenaline. George kissed him over and over, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

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