Tough cases

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Charlotte rose Blanchard. She was one of the more troubled cases. One of the cases that made her social worker stress at night. She couldn't find a foster home, because she tended to scare off most parents with her cautious and defensive demeanor. She didn't sleep unless they went to bed first, refused to leave her door unlocked in the night, and would not sleep in a room unless there was a window that she could escape out of safely. Nobody could get her to let her guard down, and her therapist said that she wouldn't let up until they found the right parents and school for her disposition. The social worker had lain awake night after night, worrying about her client. She didn't want to turn to this, but she had no choice.

She called Samuel and George King. 

They had the best record in New York state for cases like these. They had straightened out so many kids, making them more eligible for adoption. They helped with behavior issues, eating disorders, mental illnesses, and fear of other kids, teenagers, and adults. She didn't want to give them a bad kid after a bad kid, but it was becoming a pattern. Each time she apologized, they only said they were happy to help, even though the scratch-mark scars on their arms increased in numbers every time she saw them.  She worried about them sometimes. But, she knew they could help Charlotte to be compatible with more foster parents. Or, she hoped anyway. 

"I know you're worried about my well-being, Mrs. Cole," Charlotte said flatly, staring straight ahead in the cab. Lenore looked at her, not surprised. The teenage girl seemed to have the ability to read minds. She nodded solemnly.

"I am. I'm just hoping this home will be better for you." She said tentatively. Charlotte sighed and flipped the pencil through her fingers. It had always interested Lenore how the thirteen-year-old could do it so fluidly. The cab stopped. She paid and stepped out after Charlotte following the girl closely. They went up the elevator, stoic and silent, but reached the door quickly enough. Lenore paused just before knocking on the door.

"Charlotte... I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry the other foster homes didn't work out, I'm hoping this one will help you." Charlotte looked up at her, eyes blank. Sympathy flickered for half a second when she responded.

"You've done nothing worth an apology, Miss Cole. I appreciate your efforts into finding guardians for me." Lenore only smiled tightly and knocked curtly on the apartment door. In less than twenty seconds, Samuel King appeared at the door. Charlotte eyed him carefully as she stepped into the apartment. He was wearing a Heathers t-shirt, a loosely knitted cardigan, with jeans and converse. He was about 5'2, with short auburn hair, and a lean stature with large owl-rimmed glasses. She could fight him off pretty easily, although his cheerful disposition and the fact he had an apron on made her think he was harmless, along with the blue and pink paint n his hands. She had found that artists were more forgiving and patient,  not the violent type.

"You must be Charlotte! I'm Samuel!" He said brightly. he extended his hand. Charlotte didn't take it.

"i thought there was another one." She deadpanned. Samuel nodded, retracting his hand.

"George got called into work about an hour ago. He's driving home now" He replied cheerily. Lenore looked nervously at the two.  

"I-ah-have to go. charlotte, if you need anything you know how to contact me" SHe said cautiously. Charlotte nodded.  so far, she had deemed Samuel to be satisfactory in terms of safety issues. Lenore stepped out the door and left, leaving the two alone. Charlotte said nothing.

"So, I'll show you your room. I asked Lenore about anything specific, and honestly, i admire your concern for your own safety. I put you in the room with a lock, and the window to the fire escape It's got a closet and a vanity as well if you do any sort of makeup at all. If you'd like to start, I have a membership at Sephora, you're also welcome to use any of my stuff." Charlotte blinked in surprise. she would have expected a trip to Walmart at most for makeup, but Sephora? Did he care that much? She stepped into a room with a brick wall, a bed next to the window and a small nightstand. there was a small closet with sliding doors, and a vanity on the other side of the room, along with two dressers holding up the vanity. Charlotte looked around, seeing the walls were bare.  Samuel leaned in the doorway.

"I apologize for the blank walls, we just repainted last week. you're welcome to hang up any posters or artwork. It would probably be an improvement from whatever photos we have on our walls." Charlotte nodded dreamily. 

"I have to go finish up dinner. do you need help unpacking, getting settled?" Charlotte shook her head, finally speaking

"ah, no, thank you. I'll be fine." Samuel nodded.

"You've got the same accent as my husband. you're from England?" 

"...Cambridge" Samuel nodded and stepped out of the room and headed for the kitchen. Charlotte stared at the empty doorway before smiling widely. she jumped up and laughed. 

She finally had a home, didn't she?

two months later.

Charlotte stared at the judge as she went through her papers. Samuel and George stood next to her, sending reassuring glances to her and each other. They were very frankly, terrified. Samuel suddenly unfolded his hands from behind his back and took charlotte's, squeezing it gently. They all stared straight ahead, unmoving. The judge cleared her throat.

"Samuel, reviewing yours and your husband's foster care records, you have made noticeable changes in the lives of several children and teenagers, but you've never adopted any of them. Forgive me for asking, but why are you opting to adopt miss charlotte rose?" Samuel looked at the judge kindly.

"Your honor, when Charlotte came to us, there was nearly nothing wrong with her. She was clever and completely able to complete the tasks required. But she wasn't in the right places before. Nobody understood her paranoia, her anxiety. Well, she's gotten better over the month's shes been with us, and we fear if she is to leave, she might go back to what she was before" he explained respectfully. Charlotte nodded, George, smiling at his husband. The judge blinked, a smile coming across her face.

"Miss Charlotte rose, is all of that true?" She said, looking straight at the blonde-haired girl. Charlotte nodded.

"It is your honor. Not only would it be bad for me to leave them, but it would also be bad for the people who I'm transferred to. I'm pretty stubborn" she replied proudly. the judge chuckled and straightened the papers in her hands.

"Well, Miss Charlotte, you are officially part of a family" Samuel and George made eye contact, then down at Charlotte. Samuel picked the small girl up, squeezing her tightly, tears running down his face. They were soon joined by George, who was trying not to cry and failing miserably. Charlotte squeezed her eyes shut and smiled.

She had a family.

Hey! This is the sixty-eighth chapter. you know what THAT means ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). There's gonna be smut next, and it will be upon AWFarmer  book as well! goodbye, my royal, loyal subjects!

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