Enemies With Benefits -Chapter 2

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Wednesday, February 28th

Word Count: 519

Davina's POV

I widened my eyes at this insane freak. He could get expelled for this. Like I cared.

"You will be serving a detention. Both of you. You're dismissed." Mr Manoj said very angrily.

The good always suffered for the bad.

We both left the office. As we exited Mr Manoj's office, Elijah pushed me against the lockers forcefully and choking me with one hand around my neck. This motherfucker.

"I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna make your death look so painful and I'm gonna make it look so accidental." He said, tightening his hand around my neck and I felt suffocated. My lungs tightening a bit.

"I wouldn't...m..in..d. I can do the same to you. Fuck off." I pushed him and he stumbled back. "You're absolutely not someone to be scared of." I spat at him and walked off to Maths fucking class.

I entered the classroom and I was late. I don't give a fuck about detentions. Detentions are useless and it was the waste of my precious time.


I was dragged out of the classroom to the detention center by the guards of this fucking school. I took a seat as far away as possible from Elijah. I don't want to break a bone in his skull.

"You're so dead. Don't let me see you at the end of the day." Elijah looked over.

"Oh, I'm so scared. I'm so fucking scared." I stated sarcastically. "You're not a man. You only have the strength to fight me. Go pick on your own size jerk off."

"You're my size and I'm gonna fuck you up.”

We kept arguing the entire time we were in the detention center. When we were dismissed, I decided to settle this with a fight. I didn't cared how badly I got hurt, as long as I hurt him, I'm settled with that.

He walked down the empty hallway, and I decided to attack him from back. That way it'll be easier for me to tackle him. I kept following him and I crept up behind him very slowly. He turned around and pinned me to the wall, holding my hands over my head and I gave him a death glare.

"And what exactly do you think you're doing?" He sounded pretty amusing as he kept my hand up in order for me not to attack him in any possible way.

"I wanna settle this by fighting your small ass." I tried breaking free. I tried kicking him where the sun doesn't shines but I couldn't. It was useless as shit.

"You wouldn't want me to hurt you? Do you?"

"You wouldn't even hurt  a fly, but you wanna hurt me?" I chuckled and shook my head from left to right.

He fists me in the stomach and the only thing I did was winced.

"How does that feel?" He laughed and gave me couple kicks in the side.

"I'm...gonna...get...my...fucking...revenge...on...you." I curled up like a ball, as desired he stopped kicking me.

"Revenge?" He chuckled. He knelt down next to me and whispered, "The game had just began."

To be continued...

A/N: Say hello to your evil author *does evil grin* I wanna stop by and just ask you if this chapter worths your time. I know it did, I just know *does happy dance* You'll get longer chapters so you don't have to worry if they are short, for now. <3333

Question of the day

Who loves babysitting?


Enemies With Benefits {E.W.B} Editing✓Where stories live. Discover now