Enemies With Benefits -Chapter 4

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Wednesday, February 28th

Word Count: 594

Davina's POV

Present Day...

I was at home, yes home and as always, I felt pretty empty. My sister never spent quality of time with me but instead, she called me names and pushed me out of her life. I'm not needed where she was necessary. I walked into the kitchen, just to get a sack of frozen peas to help the swelling of my lip that was cracked. Blood was oozing from my nose as I kept wiping it with a tissue.

"Hey bitch." Dorty my big stupid ass coke head sister said. She was a drug head.

"Please Dorty I'm not in the mood for you. So just back the fuck away from me."

"That's no way to treat your bigger sister bitch. You need to show me some respect!"

"Respect!? What respect? I'll never give you my respect, not for the world." Since my parents passed away, everything went downhill.

"I'm the one who cared for you. I need payback." She spat. Her messy hair and and brown eyes looked drowsy.

"Dorty...I'm not afraid to tell you to go fuck off and I saved the best for the last, I hate every fucking piece of you." I hissed and turned around slowly and just walked up to my room.

Dorty never had any motivation and she doesn't knows how much I hated when she called me a bitch and insult me everywhere I went. She never showed me love. What was love? I don't know. I had never been loved, never. Love was just a coincidence and something that doesn't seem to happen in life.

It was 8 in the night and the neighborhood was pretty silent. My neighbors were extremely quiet everytime. Henge Pearl neighborhood was the best neighborhood to consume peace. I never got disturbed. The only time I was disturb, was when my sister was around. Every Wednesday night, I would go to the street fighting competitions and watch fights. I love fighting. It was apart of me. I climbed through my window and jumped down so I landed safely on the ground. I took my keys out and went on my motorbike. I'm not just any girl, I'm like a bad one.

When I arrived at the Street Fighting Building, I parked my bike on the other side of the road. I don't really liked being noticed. Elijah was always here on Wednesdays with his crew. Crew of 3. Bad guys who'll make you're life a walking hell, so I had to keep my identity from them.

I don't really make friends with people, because I don't trust anyone. They'll just destroy me, and when you destroy me, I'll break you. Break you and watch you suffer from serious and deep pain. I entered the building and hid my face under a black hoodie. I walked pass couple of smoking and alcoholic men, with piercing and tattoos everywhere. I walked passed them and went straight to the main door, to enter where the match was taking place.

My best of the best fighter was Dark Dragon. I never saw how he looked. He always wore a mask, to keep his identity for some reason. Obviously.

I've watched the fight and from watching how this guy beyond the mask fights, he was awesomely good at this. At the end of the match, he actually won. I was walking away as quickly as possible, out of the building, just so, I didn't want anyone to noticed me. I walked and kept my head down beyond the black hoodie.

I was blocked by three muscular bodies, as I was about to exit the building, or should I say human brick walls.

"Well who do we have here?"

I looked up seeing, Elijah, Merhaba and Caleb.

To be continued...

A/N: You're evil author have just released chapter 4 *grins evilly* Don't you guys worry, I'll update longer chaps soon so, don't be too mad, I have some chill pills for you, if u are. <33

Question of the day

What's your life status?


Enemies With Benefits {E.W.B} Editing✓Where stories live. Discover now