Enemies With Benefits - Chapter 26

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Davina's POV

I watched Elijah running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"We have to stay here. We can't go anywhere." Elijah said, throwing his jacket towards the floor.

It was my fault. Caleb. I have to stop this.

"Why do we have to stay here?" I asked, pretending as if I didn't know what was the actual problem.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you that." He was breathing heavily. His hands resting on his hips

"Why?" I asked.

"Stop with all the fucking questions!" He shouts. I opened my mouth to say something but I stopped myself. I should take anything that comes in my way. It was all my fault from the beginning.

I turned my back walking out on the balcony in just a hoodie. I sighed running a hand in my hair.

His combat boots thuds behind me and I knew he was going to come to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and sighed against my neck, "I'm sorry. All you have to know is that I need to sort out some stuffs and I don't need you to get involved."

But I am involved. Problem was, you didn't knew and it pained me so fucking much.

"I understand." I mumbled.

He turned my face to him, "Look...I didn't mean to shout at you like that. I'm sorry." he apologized.

I nodded.

"You hungry?" He asked, playing with my hair.

"Just a little." I pout.

"I hope you like cheese burger."

Who doesn't like cheeseburger?

"I'll have one." I smiled.

"I'll heat it up in the microwave." He walked to the kitchen to heat the burger.

If you're wondering where I was, I was at some house his grandparents used to own, far away from my home. Says it was his hideout but i will have to tell him soon enough that I was behind the entire thing. Those were Caleb's men I saw back at the drug house I guess, something like that. I will have to tell him soon before he finds out on his own. After a few minutes he called me for the burger. I was hungry of course. I took the burger sinking my teeth in it, enjoying the taste.

He looked at me, smiling, "You got some on your chin."

I wiped the spot but more was there.

"There." He wiped it off and I smiled at him.

"Thanks." I blushed.

"Those guys you saw earlier, they can't find us here. Just the two of us." He leant in, pecking my lips.

"You hate me right?" I asked.

"Of course."

We were one hell of a confusing pair of people.

"And we are enemies?"

He smiled, knowing where I was hitting at, "Not sure about that part." He rubbed my cheeks with his thumb.

I finished the burger and I was ready for a shower.

"I need to shower." I stretched my arms out above my head.

"It will be nicer if..." He leant in then whispered, "...I join you."

"I think I'll do just fine Cal...I mean...Elijah." What was wrong with me?

"Sure?" He asked.

I wasn't sure. I want...no...I need to shower with him. I just...I was feeling a connection between us and it was getting stronger. I just, couldn't get rid of it and I don't know why.

I bit my upper lip, "Well...I..."

"You what?" He asked, looking at me to finish my statement.

"I wouldn't mind..."

"Mind what?"

"Having a..."

"Having what?"

"A little company. It will do me good." I smiled.

"I love the sound of that." He spanked my ass.

Oh. Don't tell me he just did that.

"Fuck is wrong with you?" I was angry but not angry enough to punch him flat like a dough.

"You don't like that? Do you?" He sets his hand to spank my ass again but I gave him the warning finger.

"Don't you dare." I ran towards the couch, taking up a cushion.

"What can you do about that?" He ran towards me and I tossed the cushion in his head.

"Don't Elijah." I ran around in circles, avoiding him to catch me.

"You're not getting away from me." He grabbed my waist and lifted me from the floor.

"Catch ya." He wrapped his hands around my ass and kissing me. What kind of enemies were we?

My phone beeps.

"Let me get that." I told him

He slowly dropped me back to ground level and I saw a message from Caleb.

We need to talk.


I updated this again but the only thing about it was, it was shorter. Please my wonderful people, I am begging you with my entire heart, mind and soul. I beg of you to check this book out, Prom in Thirty Days. Please. It's on my profile and you can read that in the meantime you're reading this story.

My recent readers:

Crystal123JK | blues_clues2 |Maggieghale

And others

I'll update soon.


Enemies With Benefits {E.W.B} Editing✓Where stories live. Discover now