Enemies With Benefits - Chapter 48

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Davina's POV

“So you bought a dress additionally?” I asked, looking at him with a brow arched.

“And accessories.” He showed me them.

Great. All I have to do now was to get him to trust me some more then strike. But as he explained his situation, it got me thinking.

“Um...sounds great.” I smiled a little.

His phone rang. He walked out of the room and went to take the call. I didn't want to eavesdrop but I did.

“No....take it back...I cannot make it... got other plans....” Then he hang up. I quickly pretended as if I was admiring the dress he bought. He walked back to the room and smiled a little.

“Um...ah...what was that about?” I asked in a low tone.

“Nothing...where were we?”


I was showering for our night. Our? I hate that word. The dress was beautiful but it doesn't made me like him to the exact. The fact that his father was that cruel to him, I really don't think it was his fault of being this lunatic. His father was.

I walked out the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. Caleb was sitting on the bed with his back turned, looking out the window in deep thinking. I lean against the doorframe, looking at him. He ran his fingers through his hair and smashed his fists in the bed. The minute he calmed down I walked inside the room.

The minute he heard my footsteps in the room, he turned around forcing a smile out.

“I uh...need to get dressed.” I told him.

“I will not look...just... don't mind me.” He turned his back.

I slowly removed the towel, looking at him. I grabbed my undies, putting them on.

“Are you done?” He asked.

“Uh... nope. Just a little bit more time.”  I told him, putting the dress. You knew what was strange? I was the sweatpants type of girl ..why I'm I the dress type now? Thanks to Elijah. “I ah...need a little help.” I wasn't pretending this. I really needed the help.

He smirked, standing on his feet slowly coming my way. He came behind me and I slowly moved my hair to one shoulder. His hands slowly rubbing against my bare skin. He slowly pulled the zipper up. I slowly closed my eyes and imagine that it was Elijah doing that just now. When that was all done he turned my body around looking at me.

It was an awkward moment come to think of it. We were just staring at each other.

I broke the awkward silence, “I don't know how to do... make-up?”

“I ah...I kinda know how to do makeup. Funny right?”

“Not necessarily. Guys do makeup even better than the ladies. But it's kinda funny knowing the type of guy you are and you're doing make-up.” I giggled.

“What type of guy am I?” He asked.

I just looked away... didn't really needed to answer that question for sure.


Hey. I know I updated late. I had stuffs to do, so that seems to be the reason why. Thanks for reading.

So I was wondering. In the next chapter I need details on how to plan the perfect date. So guys, message me and give me some ideas for the next chapter and if you can add moments to it... please do!

Q: Isn't it unexpected for someone like Caleb to do a female's makeup? Why?


Enemies With Benefits {E.W.B} Editing✓Where stories live. Discover now