Enemies With Benefits - Chapter 42

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The day when you just wish that you could be with the person that you love, turns out it is best to not love the person for your wounds will get deeper.


Davina's POV

I was going to die...

I was going to die...

I AM going to die.

My heart was pumping hard inside my chest and I was a bit suffocated with one of his arms around my neck and the gun against my head. Was this actually the end of my life. It can't be.

The front door flies open. As soon as the officers come inside they stopped, looking at both Caleb and I.

"Let the girl go young man." The short brunette officer says calmly to Caleb.

"And what will that get me? You will take me for what now?" Caleb clenched his arm tighter around my neck.

"All we need to do is ask you some questions. That's all." The officer walks a little bit closer to us.

"If you dare take another step, I will kill her. Stay the fuck away!" Caleb was loosing his patience.

"I did not call the cops Caleb. Just... please leave me alone. I didn't." I pleaded. Tears at the brim of my eyes.

"Please let the girl go."

A shot fired and the chaos starts. I tried running away but eventually Caleb shot me in the stomach. No. No. I am going to die.


I woke up with sweat soaking my shirt. I was in the car with Caleb. He was taking me somewhere. Maybe I fell asleep on the ride.

"Nightmares. I use to get them...well I still do." Caleb makes a right turn.

Thing was...you are my nightmares and it seems like I can't get rid of you no matter what. It pains my ass knowing that I am in all this...but I will get my boyfriend back...only if I am with Caleb... that will be the only way.

I rubbed my temples and sighed with my arms crossed, "I am hungry."

"You just ate a cheeseburger." He rotates his eyes on the empty paper wrappers...well the cheeseburger wrappers.

"That was an hour ago Caleb. I am hungry."

"Fine. What do you need?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you could take me to the gym for a workout. I need to stay fit." Trust me, if you think that I am now cool with Caleb, I am pretending for the best. You know why.

"Fine but if you think of trying to run away...you will never see Elijah again. Okay?"

I gulped, "Okay."

After a very long drive we arrived at the gym.

"I am going to take care of some things and buy you some food. Stay safe." He leant in and kissed me on the forehead.


I exit the car and sighed, entering the gym. Everything looks different...like everything changed. I saw a few people from school and I could not spot Cole. He was the reason I needed to be here.

Oh... there he was, sitting in his gym clothes, helping out his trainer.

"I think that's it." Cole tells his trainer and she nods walking away. I walked to where he was standing with a small smile on my lips.

"Hey." I say.

"You look great." Cole sips from his water bottle..

"Trust me...I am not." I tell him.

"What's up? Haven't seen you around in months. Somewhat strange to me. Gym is your life... well...was."

"I just came here to have a chat with you and I really can't stay too long." I tell him.

"What's the matter? Are you in trouble?" He asked worriedly.

"I am sort of in some trouble...well not just me but Elijah."

"Spill me the deets."

I told him everything. Every single thing.

"Holy shit. I can try to help but I don't like to be seen." He told me.

"Well I sort of had a deal with him but he said he will think about it."

"What is that exactly?"

"Well...I told him to free Elijah but in turns for that...I told him that I will stay with him forever and love him and that I will stay away from Elijah if he let's him go. That's the best I could do...don't you think?" I asked, both of us walking to take a seat.

"Probably...I thought you guys hated each other. What happened?"

"Well...we sort of dated each other and fell in love... it's a long story but I am worried deeply about him. I love Elijah and I seriously don't like Caleb one bit. I don't know how I'm I going to pull through."

"Here's the deal. If he doesn't agrees with you...I will help you out with some of my friends. That's all I can do for now."

"Thank you so much Cole. I owe you." I hugged him and he smiled against my hair. "He will be back anytime soon for me and I don't want to risk it. I'll see you when I see you."

In about five minutes Caleb arrived with dunking donuts and cup sodas. I was hungry but I still hated Caleb.

"Come...we will eat in the car."

I followed him to the car and we both got inside seated in the parked car.

"Where did you go?" I asked, taking the donuts and taking a bite.

"I went to set your ex boyfriend free and you know what that means." He says, eating his donuts.

Fuck you... he's not my ex boyfriend..

He is still my boyfriend. You don't win someone's heart so easily.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Don't worry...he is leaving the country."



Hey my beautiful people *drumroll* I am glad to be back, due to the studying I have to do since my six weekly tests are beginning next week. Let's just hope you enjoyed this chapter.

QUESTION: Who wants ELIJAH to leave the country!?


Enemies With Benefits {E.W.B} Editing✓Where stories live. Discover now