Enemies With Benefits - Chapter 29

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Davina's POV

"What is it?" He waited patiently for me. Should I?

I can't.

I must.

"Elijah...I did something really stupid." I pulled myself closer to him.

"What?" He arched his left brow.

"I did hate you and i...but...I am..." I was hyperventilating. "I am...I..."

"You're not making much sense here. Breathe Dav." He touched my shoulder.

I took a deep breath in. Here goes hell, "The men that were after you...I was in a deal with them."

Elijah snapped his eyes at me, "Are you insane!? Do you know how dangerous they are? Tell me you had a good reason."

Oh crap.

"I made a deal that I should seduce you so I can get closer to you so they can get a better chance to kidnap you but I swear-"

He ran his fingers in his hair with anger, stepping back away from me, "So all this was nothing? It was just some act!" Now he was shouting.

"I swear to God Elijah...it wasn't an act. Us. I mean it...just trust me."

He chuckled, "Trust you? After all the shit you've just told me. Now is the time you want to tell me this shit!"

"I'm sorry-"

"That means they know where you are then?" He asked, pity and anger filling his tone.

"No. I swear. I hated you so badly to start with and I wanted you to get hurt so badly, but then the minute we get closer i don't want to do it anymore. I wanted to tell you Elijah but I couldn't. I didn't had the guts."

He ran both hands in his hair smashing the vase that was on a table, "You're fucking stupid! I trusted you Davina but look what shit you've cost. Who the fuck put you up to this?"

I didn't answered, holding my head down. He smashed the other vase again and I flinched.

"Tell me!" He shouted, grabbing my shoulders in his hands.

My lips trembled, "Caleb. He put me up to this."

"You're lying." He stepped back, not believing what he just heard.

"Why will I lie? I have the messages on my phone for proof. All that matters is I try to get you to trust me. The worst I saw it was going, I didn't want to do it anymore. I didn't want him to take you away from me Elijah. Please, trust me."

Elijah looked at me unbelievably in pity and disgust, "What do you get if you success?"

"Money but I swear, I told him that I don't want the money anymore. I told him to call the deal off but he wouldn't. Elijah, please believe me. I need you to believe me."

His eyes were red and he was angry and was way out of control, "I don't want to see your face right now."

That hurts me, it cuts through me deeply and painfully. My heart immediately stopped. The beating process was now drowning my ears with its loudness.

"What do you mean?" I croaked, the tears at the brim of my eyes.

"Go somewhere. Get lost, you're just a fucking pretender." His breathing got heavy and I was breaking away slowly.

"I'm sorry Elijah. Please, I know nowhere here." The tears immediately fell down my cheeks leaving me there with an empty heart and an empty mind.

He bit on the insides of his cheeks, "Go!"

Without anymore words behind that, I took my jacket slowly walking towards the door, I had to say what was on my mind, "You don't have to believe me Elijah but all I need for you to know is that you make me feel like everything is possible. I hurt you badly and I'm sorry. I hope you will forgive me, even though I was not being the girl you wanted but hopefully you will find it in your heart to trust me. I put myself in this mess, I don't know how you got in it but I swear I really like you and I'll try to get out of it. I don't know what I am feeling but I...I hope you forgive me. Goodbye Elijah."

I left, to God knows where.


Hey *waves* since you guys wanted a update like really quick, here's a little one.

Q: Describe Elijah's and Davina's moment.


Enemies With Benefits {E.W.B} Editing✓Where stories live. Discover now